2017-№3 (56) Article 15

N.S. Kolotilova

Reduction of actantial structures in children’s literature P. 111 –123

UDC 811.112ʼ38:821.112.2-93

In accordance with the age of a child children’s literature must have a number of specific fea-tures both in terms of content and in terms of structure. The analysis of various samples of children’s literature showed that the phenomenon of reduction of adverbial actants is not an exception in books for children. Frequently the elimination of a grammatical subject allows us to restore it due to the monosomy of the finite verb form. However, the cases when a grammatical subject is reduced and the valence pro-jections get to the superphasal level are no exception. The omission of a grammatical object and an ad-verbial modifier depending upon different directions of linguistic connective can also be noted. Distant position of miniscule amount is a characteristic feature.

Children’s literature, reduction of actants, verb valence, elimination, omission, valence projec-tions getting to the superphasal level, grammatical object, adverbial modifier.




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