2017-№3 (56) Article 3

P.V. Galkin, N.V. Lovyagin

The Relationships between Local Councils and the Central Government in Autumn 1905 as Described by The Manchester Guardian             P. 23 –29.

UDC 947.083.5«1905»:002.5(09)(420)


The article focuses on the relationships between local councils and the central government in au-tumn 1905 as described in The Manchester Guardian. The majority of publications center on the organi-zation of the November Congress of Rural and Urban Authorities, which was devoted to the discussion of governmental policies after the Manifesto of October 17, 1905. The Congress focused on the attitude of liberals to the policies promoted by S.U. Vitteʼs government. The Resolution issued by the Congress promised support, provided that S.U. Vitteʼs government supported and promoted constitutional princi-ples declared in the Manifesto. The second part of the Resolution underlined the necessity of repeal of martial law, political amnesty, and prosecution of officials and policemen in districts and regions which had suffered from massacre. The Congress discussed and approved of the autonomous status of Poland. The article shows that local governments had to accept the decisions taken by the central government.

Manifesto of October 17 1905, November Congress, S.U. Vitte.



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