2017-№3 (56) Article 5
E.V. Bodrova, V.V. Kalinov
Assessing the USSR Industrial Development in the1950s P. 34 –40.
UDC 947.087«195»
The article investigates the evolution of Soviet industrial policies in the 1950s through the prism of reforms launched by N.S. Khrushchev and assesses the role they played in the development of the industrial sphere of the USSR of that period. The analysis of archival data which have never been processed before allows the author to objectively assess the results of industral decentralization and to per-form
a comparative analysis of economic development of prominent republics. The article focuses on the in-vestigation of decisions, technical and scientific advances and failures. The article maintains that in the 1950s the USSR had a great scientific potential. However it was necessary to promote research and technological development, to secure industrial innovation.
state industrial policy, integration, modernization, science and technology, management reorganization.
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