2017-№4 (57) Article 3

Popova A.D.

Alexander II’s Reforms through the Eyes of the Clergy. P. 28- 37.

UDC 947.081.1:262.17

The paper treats the Russian clergy’s attitude to Alexander II’s reforms. The analysis of archival materials, seminary students’ memoirs, and periodicals shows that Alexander II’s reforms influenced the life of the priestly class. The author maintains that since the reforms did not separate the church from the state, nor did they eliminate class divisions, Russian priests perceived them as reforms of the theological school. The paper focuses on the principal aspects of the reforms such as the establishment of elected Guardianship Boards, the separation of secular and theological education. The author maintains that the reforms granted greater opportunities to local governments, reduced class gaps, granted people a right to choose an occupation. However the paper shows that Russian priests were not unanimous in assessing the innovations. Seminarians were eager to find another occupation, but older priests treated the reforms in

a negative way.  The author concludes that differences in perception underline the importance of social consciousness transformation as a prerequisite for civil society formation.

Alexander II’s reforms, clergy, priesthood, seminary, social consciousness, class.




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