2017 №1(54) Article 14

O.E. Pokhalenkov

The motif of social adaptation and its function in R. Aldingtonʼs novel “All men are enemies”  

and E. Hemingwayʼs novels “Fiesta (And the sun also rises). P.124- 131.

UDC 821.111.091“19”


The article provides a comparative analysis of thematic, evaluative, emotional, and esthetic as-pects of social adaptation in literature devoted to World War I at the example of Richard Aldingtonʼs novel “All Men Are Enemies” and Ernest Hemingwayʼs novels “Fiesta (And the Sun Also Rises)”. The comparative analysis is used to investigate similar typological motifs and generalizations, nuclear and peripheral, inner and outer components of the social adaptation motif. The author analyzes the factors that hinder social adaptation of the representatives of the lost generation. 

Motif structure, social adaptation, comparative literary studies, character, lost generation, World War I.



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