2017-№2 (55) Article 5

A.A. Turkov

The epic of the Chelyuskin expedition of 1934 as a key element of Soviet propaganda of Polar exploration P. 38- 46.

UDC 914.7(09)(98)«1934»

The article treats propaganda methods and techniques used by the Soviet government in the 1930s, in particular the rescue of the members of an arctic expedition on board the Chelyuskin in 1934, in order to improve the Soviet image both at home and abroad. The author focuses on the strategy of creating the archetypal Soviet hero, a polar explorer, and analyzes the role of the archetypal hero in the Soviet culture of the 1930s. The epic of the Chelyuskin expedition played an important role in covering the Soviet polar exploration. The research reveals major characteristic features of the Soviet heroes (polar pilots and polar explorers), it also reveals major methods and techniques of mythologization (books, mass media, specific folklore). The article maintains that the epic of the Chelyuskin expedition was used not only to promote polar exploration, but also to demonstrate the triumph of the Soviet political system and the Soviet lifestyle. The article traces the international (Norwegian, British, American) attitude to the rescue of the Chelyuskin expedition and analyzes the role of the Chelyuskin epic in the formation of the Soviet image abroad.

Arctic region, image, myth, social opinion, print mass media, propaganda.




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