2019 №2 (63) Article 1

V. N. Kozlyakov


UDC 947.045.6

The article investigates the early stage of the formation of the Russian home guard led by a Ryazan governor P. P. Lyapunov. The article analyzes the information about the Battle of Pronsk and the Battle of Zaraysk registered in the New Chronicler. The military campaigns were led by P. P. Lyapunov, I. N. Sunbulov and prince D. M. Pozharsky. The author of the article analyzes the information about January and February of 1611 registered in the Journal of Sigismund IIIʼs Smolensk Campaign and attempts to clarify the circumstances of the political struggle. The article provides some new data concerning I. N. Sunbulovʼs service and his role in the military confrontation between the followers of Vasili Shuysky and False Dmitry II in Shatsk and Kassimov. The article underlines the complex relationships between the Sunbulovs and the Lyapunovs during the Time of Troubles. The author of the article relies on the Journal of Sigismund IIIʼs Smolensk Campaign to investigate the role of I. N. Sunbulov in the formation of the first Russian home guard and to focus on the role of the Battle of Pronsk where the home guard led by P. P. Lyapunov and the home guard led by prince D. M. Pozharsky met. The article investigates the role of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The analysis of various historical data enables the author to conclude that the New Chronicler attempted to depict the actions of P. P. Lyapunov and I. N. Sunbulov in an unfavorable light.


first Russian home guard; New Chronicler; Journal of Sigismund IIIʼs Smolensk Campaign; P. P. Lyapunov; I. N. Sunbulov; prince D. M. Pozharsky; Zaporozhian Cossacks; Shatsk; Kassimov; Pronsk; Zaraysk during the Time of Troubles


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