2019 №2 (63) Article 13

E.L. Raykhlina, E. V. Lobanova


UDC 821.161.1-1.09«18»

 A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is one of the first poems in which A. S. Pushkin addresses Russian folklore motifs. The article focuses on the motifs of Russian folktales which make up the plot of the poem and which can be seen in the characters created by the poet (personages, their inner world, their actions) and in various objects surrounding the characters (characters’ belongings, fairy objects). The article treats the morphology of the poem, i.e. it focuses on the constituent parts of the poem and their complex interconnections. The author of the article attempts to analyze the functions performed by personages according to a scheme suggested by V. J. Propp in his work “The Morphology of a Fairy Tale”. The article maintains that A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (both its form and its origin) is based on folktale motifs rather than on chivalric motifs as the majority of A. S. Pushkin’s contemporaries believed.


motif as an image; motif as an object; motif as an episode; morphology of a poem; fairy motifs of the poem; A. S. Pushkin’s folklorism; characters’ functions




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  3. Propp V. Ja. Morfologija volshebnoj skazki [The Morphology of a Fairytale]. Moscow, Labyrinth Publ., 2001, 192 p. Available at : https://www.litmir.me/br/?b=92929&p=19 (accessed: 02.03.2019). (In Russian).
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