2019 №3 (64) Article 10

Árpád Hornyák


UDC 327(439:497.11:497.13:497.12)«1918/1921»

The article analyzes the international situation in Central Europe in the period after World War I. Following the defeat and collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a number of sovereign states declared their independence. The borders of the newly-independent states were established by the victorious allied powers. At the Paris Peace Conference, the key goals of the major powers were identified, which eventually reshaped the territory of Europe. Delegates representing the victorious powers and the representatives of the defeated powers had unequal bargaining positions. The composition of delegations and their stances depended on the political climate in the countries they represented. The major powers moderated all complex conflict situations guided by their national priorities. The article focuses on the territorial disputes between Hungary and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in the Province of Vojvodina. The author highlights complex political, ethnic, and cultural factors which predetermined the relationships between the states which emerged after the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


Paris Peace Conference; Major Powers; Hungary; Kingdom of Serbs; Croats and Slovenes; borders; the city of Pécs



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