2019 №3 (64) Article 12

Sun Yizhi


УДК 9(47):951.092

The article focuses on Shanghai Russians in 1922–1925. It analyzes the attitude of Shanghai governmental structures, including the Russian Consulate, the Municipal Council of the International Settlement, the Municipal Council of the Shanghai French Concession and Chinese authorities, to the so called Shanghai Russians. It also analyzes the way Shanghai community treated Russian emigrants. The analysis of documents and periodicals shows that Shanghai authorities and Shanghai community treated Russian emigrants differently. Only French authorities did their best to help Russian emigrants, while the Municipal Council of the International Settlement and other Shanghai authorities paid little attention to the issue for a number of political reasons. However, both native Chinese and foreign citizens living in Shanghai assisted Russian exiles in every possible way. Russian emigrants were provided aid and assistance by the Red Cross Society of China, the American Red Cross, the Refugee Relief Advisory Committee, Shanghai Race Club, etc.


Shanghai; China; Russian emigrants in China; history of Shanghai; China-Russia relations


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