2019 №3 (64) Article 14

G.Yu. Yamskikh, D. E. Makarchuk, N. V. Lebedeva


UDC 930.272(282.251.2)


The article presents the results of a paleographic reconstruction of Holocene climate and vegetation in the Lugavka River valley at the territory of South-Minusinsk Basin. The paleographic reconstruction is based on spore and pollen, botanical and malacofaunistic analysis of peat deposits in the Tigritskoye swamps, which are situated to the southeast of the village of Tigritskoye, 18 km outside the village of Shushenskoye. According to radiocarbon dating, the process of peat accumulation in the swamp started in the second half of the Holocene in warm and humid climatic conditions. During the second half of the Holocene in the Lugavka River valley steppe-like landscapes prevailed, their type was predetermined by weather conditions and the combination of chenopodiaceous, graminaceous, wormwood plants and miscellaneous herbs. The mid-Subboreal was characterized by cold and wet conditions. The Late Subboreal and the beginning of the Late Subatlantic were warmer and less humid. The end of the Early Subatlantic period had predominantly cool and alternating humid conditions. The results of a malacofaunistic analysis support the paleobotanical data. The disappearance of Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller, 1774) is evidence of a cold snap in the Middle of the Subatlantic period, while the appearance of Oxyloma elegans (Risso, 1826) in the beginning of the Late Subatlantic attests to a gradual humidification. The end of the Subatlantic was characterized by colder and less humid conditions and the total disappearance of malacofauna.


paleographic reconstruction; Late Holocene; spore and pollen analysis; botanical composition of peat; fossil malacofauna; radiocarbon dating; South-Minusinsks Basin


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