2019 №3 (64) Article 17

Yu. V. Verevkina


 UDC 811.161.1’373.614:821.161.1«19»


The article investigates idiolects used by writers of the Kursk region within the framework of a research conducted by the Department of the Russian Language at Kursk State University. The analysis of the glossary compiled on the basis of V. Ovechkin’s texts enables us to single out words with occasional semes and folk etymology. Some linguists claim that such words should be classified as “traditional” pun, others treat them as “erratic” pun. The author of the present research prefers the term “words with folk etymology” to denote words with occasional semes and pseudosemes used intentionally for stylistic purposes. The so called “folk etymology” enables people to reassess the meaning of an unfamiliar or difficult word due to its convergence with a well-known word or notion. To avoid a misleading interpretation, all words with folk etymology are assessed against contexts in which they are used. Every word with folk etymology contains at least two semantic components which are united to create a complex unity aimed at fulfilling a certain informative purpose. Almost all words with folk etymology are related to agriculture. V. Ovechkin’s works contain small amounts of such words, therefore the meaning of every word can be meticulously explained to the reader.


idiostyle; pun; erratic pun; pseudo-etymology; folk etymology; complex semantic structure; complex unity



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