2020 №1 (66) Article 1

Krivosheyev Yu. V.

“I have never pretended to admire the Soviet system”   (A. I. Yakovlev and the Case of the Academicians) P. 7-13

UDC  947.084.631

The article investigates previously unresearched materials related to the case of the academicians.  It presents testimony given by a renowned Russian historian A. I. Yakovlev, who was known for his profound knowledge, independent judgments and assessments of historical processes and contemporary events. A. I. Yakovlev’s testimony is an important document that ensures better understanding of Russian intelligentsia of the 1920s–1930s.


  1. I. Yakovlev; the case of the academicians, 1929–1931; intelligentsia


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