2020 №2 (67) Article 10

Sapozhkov S. V.

Poetry of the 1880s-1890s through the Prism of the Narodnik  and Symbolist Criticism P. 91-103.

UDC 821.161.1-1.09«188/189»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.010

The article attempts to juxtapose the criteria which prevailed in critical assessments of poetry of the two final decades of the 19th century in the Narodnik criticism and the Symbolist criticism of the 1890s and, relying in theses assessments, to define the principle of the transitional modality of poetry of the 1880s-1890s, which signified a transition from classics to modernism. The article analyzes V. Ya. Bryusovʼs critical works and critical works written by S. Ya. Nadson and P. F. Yakubovich. The author of the article shows that the representatives of classical criticism and modernist criticism treated 19th-century poetsʼ literary style from different perspectives. Relying on these conclusions, the author of the article suggests some criteria for assessing the transitional method and style of poetry of the 1880s–1890s.

  1. Ya. Nadson; P. F. Yakubovich; V. Ya. Bryusov; poetry of the 1880s–1890s; presystem; transitivity


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