2020 №2 (67) Article 11

Kirillova A. S.

The Peculiarities of A. L. Volynskyʼs Literature Reviews Created at the Turn  of the 19th — 20th Centuries P. 104-114.

UDC 821.161.1-95.09«18/19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.011

The article treats A. L. Volynskyʼs literature reviews created by the critic in 1891–1898 when he was involved with the Northern Bulletin journal. Despite the fact that the reviews have been numerously investigated, no one has ever attempted to interpret their genre-related peculiarities. The aim of the article is to single out peculiarities of literature reviews published by Volynsky under the heading of Literary Notes in the 1890s. The analyzed material enables the author of the article to conclude that A. L. Volynskyʼs literature reviews have a number of typological peculiarities characteristic of “real” criticism and symbolism criticism. The author highlights that A. L. Volynskyʼs reviews

are a transitional stage between literary criticism of the 1860s and modernist criticism. The article analyzes A. L. Volynskyʼs philosophical ideas and worldview and focuses on the structural peculiarities of the criticʼs reviews. The article singles out some aesthetic ideas of the late 19th century – early 20th century supported by A. L. Volynsky. It also interprets some stylistic peculiarities of A. L. Volynskyʼs polemical discourse. The author of the article maintains that A. L. Volynsky literature reviews are highly personalized and unique professional texts.


Northern Bulletin journal; genre modifications; philosophical and psychological criticism; symbolism criticism; drama and prose fiction of the late 19th – early 20th centuries; theatre criticism; journalism





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