2020 №2 (67) Article 8

Zakharova O. V., Noykova E. A.

The Origin of Feminism and the Feminist Movement in the Late 18th — Early 19th Centuries P. 78-84.

UDC 316.35«17/18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.008

In the late 18th century, Europe witnessed many wars, revolutions, colonial oppression, but it also saw many important scientific, technical and cultural discoveries and dramatic social changes. The Age of Enlightenment reassessed the role of women as independent personalities who can fully participate in economics, politics and manufacturing at par with men. Protofeminism anticipated modern feminism with its mottos and aspirations. In that era, there appeared first activists fighting for gender equality, forerunners of the feminist movement who formulated the principles of feminism. There appeared first works which lay the foundation of the gender equality movement and initiated womenʼs struggle for their rights.

feminism; feminist movement; origin of feminism; protofeminism; struggle for gender equality


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