2014-№1(42) Article 15
L.A. Ruzhinskaya
The analysis of life quality in the Ryazan region. P. 155-169.
UDC 65.046
The paper analyzes the main components of life quality in the Ryazan region. It takes into account such indices as income level, purchase power, average monthly earnings, average scale of pension, subsistence minimum. The paper assesses population stratification by analyzing the extent of income concentration within 20 % groups, and by taking into consideration the decile ratio, the Gini ratio, and the funds.
The aim of the conducted research is to assess life quality and to analyze the factors that have an impact on life quality in the Ryazan region.
The main research method is comparative analysis, which reveals the dynamics of so-cial and economic processes in the Ryazan region in 2000–2012. The analysis covers separate regions of Russia and Russia as a whole.
The analysis relies on the official statistics provided by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, the Ryazan Regional Committee of the State Statistics, the results of a research conducted by the Russian Life Quality Center. The research singles out certain factors such as interregional differentiation, which influences social situation and determines people’s life quality. The results of the research serve as a basis for grouping the districts of the Ryazan region according to their life quality.
Income differentiation, earnings, life quality, purchase power, subsistence minimum, average monthly earnings.
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