2019 №1 (62) Article 3

A. N. Zuev


УДК 347.254(09):947.084.51

The article analyzes Housing acts issued by the Soviet government during the period of the New Economic Policy. The author treats the process of Housing legislation formation in the Soviet Union. The article deals with peculiarities of housing management in the Soviet Union and the role people played in housing management. The author investigates some problems the Soviet Union had to solve in order to overcome the housing crisis. Special emphasis is laid on the development of housing cooperatives and their role in the recovery from the housing crisis. The author investigates several types of housing cooperatives, peculiarities of their formation and management. The article lists some measures adopted by the Soviet government to support cooperative housing and enumerates some sources of finance. The author highlights that working-class people were in a privileged position. The article also analyzes the results of the 1926 housing census. The author concludes that cooperative housing construction enabled the Soviet Union to overcome the housing crisis during the period of the New Economic Policy.

decrees issued by the Soviet Union; housing policy; housing stock; legislation; sources of finance; cooperatives



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Posted Tuesday November 19th, 2019 by admin in category "Без рубрики