2020 №1 (66) Article 16
Erlikhson I. M.
Crime and Punishment in Historical Retrospect. A Review of S. A. Vasilyeva’s monograph “‘I was in prison and you came to visit me…’ The History of Prison Pastoral Carein Protestantism and its Influence on Prison Reforms in America, Europe and Russia” (Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2019. 184 p.) C.123-127.
UDC 284(048)
The present review analyzes S. A. Vasilyeva’s monograph “”I was in prison and you came to visit me…” The History of Prison Pastoral Care in Protestantism and its Influence on Prison Reforms in America, Europe and Russia”, which systematizes and reassesses the historical experience of pastoral care and counseling for prisoners and analyzes the potential of its integration into the Russian penitentiary system.
prison reforms; Great Britain; United States of America; Russia; prison pastoral care; philanthropy; penology