Larina E. V.

The Role of Schools of Factory and Plant Apprenticeship in the Training of Qualified Industrial Workers and Servicemen in the 1920s   (based on the materials of Moscow and the Moscow Region). P. 23-31.

UDC 377.3(470.311)«192»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.69.4.003


The article focuses on schools of factory and plant apprenticeship that were created and started training industrial workers and servicemen in Moscow and the Moscow Region in the 1920s. Schools of factory and plant apprenticeship were a type of vocational education facility and were supervised by the Moscow Department of Vocational Technical Education. Students of schools of factory and plant apprenticeship were educated generally and trained for non-academic occupations. In the early 1920s the number of schools of factory and plant apprenticeship increased fivefold. A great number of schools trained their students for textile industry and metalworking industry. Schools of factory and plant apprenticeship received financial support from the state and factories they were affiliated to. Schools of factory and plant apprenticeship offered three-year programs and four-year programs depending on the vocation received. However, due to acute demand for qualified industrial workers and servicemen, programs were sometimes limited not to exceed two years. Schools of factory and plant apprenticeship provided their students with vocational education as well as political and ideological education via social studies courses. The social studies course was obligatory for all students and teachers delivering the course were closely monitored by the Moscow Department of Vocational Education. Schools of factory and plant apprenticeship have significantly contributed to the wellbeing of the country by preparing highly-qualified and politically competent specialists for factories and plants of the Moscow Region and the whole country.


vocational education; schools of factory and plant apprenticeship; political and ideological education              



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