Li Xinmei
Modern Russian Literature in China: an Overview of Research P. 103- 130.
UDC 821.161.1(510)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.69.4.012
Chinese Russianists are highly interested in Modern Russian literature. The number of academic research devoted to Russian literature has been gradually increasing since the 1980s. The article analyzes Chinese databases and generalizes the results of Chinese Russianists’ works. It analyzes relevant issues and prospects of investigation. The research conducted by Chinese scholars can be roughly divided into two major groups: 1) research devoted to individual writers, such as Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Valentin Rasputin, Viktor Astafyev, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Viktor Pelevin, Vladimir Makanin, Sergey Dovlatov, Tatyana Tolstaya, Vladimir Sorokin, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Venedikt Yerofeyev, Boris Akunin, Aleksey Varlmaov, Olga Slavnikova, Daniil Granin, Viktor Yerofeyev, Mikhail Shishkin, Anatoly Kim, Roman Senchin, Sergey Yesin, Georgy Vladimov, Andrey Bitov, Zakhar Prilepin, Oleg Pavlov, Aleksandr Ilichevsky, Elena Koladina, Mikhail Yelizarov, Boris Yekimov, Aleksandr Prokhanov, Mark Kharitonov, Mikhail Butov, Andrey Volos, Guzel Yakhina, and others; 2) research devoted to general issues, such as tendencies of modern Russian literature development, trends, schools, literary awards. Modern literary research experience the following problems: 1) no works are devoted to drama and poetry; 2) research devoted to some individual writers is misbalanced; 3) long-term analysis of modern Russian literature is insufficient; 4) it takes Chinese Russianists long to formulate their own theories about modern Russian literature and new methods of literary investigation.
modern Russian literature; research conducted by Chinese Russianists; problems of literary investigation; prospects of research
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