Busarev I. A., Kozlyakov V. N., Sevastyanova A. A.

“He remains single, but it isn’t good for a man to be single…”:  New Documents on the History of Private Life in Russia in the Second Half of the 17th Century  P. 7-21.

UDC 930.272:94(47).048

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.001

Abstract. The article and the supplement attached to it investigate archival materials, namely collections of manuscripts by archbishops Hilarion and Joseph in the 1660s–1670s. The manuscripts and decrees issued by the two archpriests are related to the ecclesiastical court. The archaeographic and historical value of the manuscripts was roughly estimated by church historian S. N. Vvedensky, who published his research in Voronezh in the early 20th century. The present article aims at highlighting the unique character of Ryazan historical sources and at analyzing stories pertaining to private lives and based on materials of the ecclesiastical court. The article provides data regarding the daily routine of rural and urban communities, family life and family law in Russia of the 16th–17th centuries. The authors assume that some documents are of great historical significance, for they tell us about the life and fate of former prisoners-of-war. By attaching a supplement to the article, the authors is enabled to investigate a significant amount of previously uninvestigated manuscripts dating back as far as the 1660s–1670s.

Keywords: archival manuscripts, Records, private life, cases tried by the ecclesiastical court, the 16th–17th centuries.


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