Agapov G. A.

The Castilian Civil War and Anglo-French Conflicts in the 1360s P. 55 – 67.

UDC 94(460).023+327(410:44)«13»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.005

Abstract. The investigation of various aspects of the history of Medieval states on the Iberian Peninsula (both during the early and late Middle Ages, the 14th century in particular) has become a high priority subject in recent decades. Modern researchers focus on previously underinvestigated issues,on reassessing historiographic data. This is particularly characteristic of foreign researchers (especially Spanish-speaking and English-speaking ones). Russian historiographers are also no longer as committed to the investigation of social and economic issues and agrarian history as their Soviet colleagues used to be. Modern Russian researchers are involved in novel investigations, one of which if the investigation of the foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Castile. A similar tendency can be seen in the investigation of one of the largest military and political conflicts of the era the Hundred Years’ War. The range of traditionally investigated issues has expanded significantly. A specific research field has emerged at the intersection of Spanish studies and the Hundred Years’ War studies. The aim of the article is to investigate the role and significance of the Castilian Civil War, a key episode of Spanish history during the Hundred Years’ War. The subject of the research is the relationships between the kingdoms of England and France on the one side and the major parties in the War for the Castilian Succession — Peter the Cruel and Henry of Trastámara — on the other.

Keywords: Hundred Years’ war, House of Trastámara, Pedro I the Cruel, Enrique de Trastámara, the battle of Nájera, Black Prince, Bertrand du Guesclin.


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