Minkova K. V.

To the Issue of Relying on Political and Economic Theories when Investigating the Causes of the Cold War P. 95 – 103

UDC 330:94(100)«1945/1991»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.74.1.009

Abstract. Although the Cold War is constantly played up in modern international relations, a comprehensive and objective analysis of its origins has not been carried out yet. The author proposes to analyze the initial period of the Cold War (and hence the Soviet-American relations of middle and the second half of the 1940s) through the prism of political and economic theories of Knut Wicksell and James Buchanan, taking into account the crisis of the balance of payments. The article also uncovers other important issues in the relations between Moscow and Washington in 1945–1947. The author presumes that the actions of both parties to the conflict can be considered through the lens of their economic interests, which in 1944 — the first half of 1945 coincided with political interests, and afterwards either gave way to them (USA), or were perceived as something completely different, not connected with politics (USSR).

Keywords: James Buchanan, Knut Wicksell, Soviet-American relations, USSR, USA, Cold War, economic interests.


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