Zhigalov A. M.

Fight for German Socialism: the Confrontation between the Right and the Left Wings within the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in 1925–1933  Р. 81 -87.

УДК 94(430).085«1925/1933»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.79.2.008

Abstract. The article deals with the confrontation between two different currents within the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The author makes an attempt to explain the structure and ideological origins of German Socialism. It demonstrates that the opposition to the militaristic course within the party could have turned the party’s activities in a different direction, which would have prevented many bloody conflicts. Based on the analysis of memoirs of direct participants in the events and on program documents of the party, the author establishes that there were at least two points of view on the possible options for the development of German National Socialism. The author comes to the conclusion that the inner party opposition, representing a different view of German Socialism, was extremely strong in the period before 1933 and continued to function in the following years.

Keywords: Germany, National Socialism, Strasserism, NSDAP, Otto Strasser, Adolf Hitler, German Socialism, conservative revolution, stormtroopers.



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