Vasilyeva S. A., Erlikhson I. M.

Enlightenment: watching the game from the outside (Review of the book: Krelenko N. S. Reflection of the cultural life of the Enlightenment in the letters, books and houses of Horace Walpole. Moscow, Direct-Media Publ., 2023. 264 p.)  P. 188—194.

UDC 37(049.32)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.018

Abstract. The paper reviews the monograph by N. S. Krelenko, Reflection of the cultural life of the Enlightenment in the letters, books and houses of Horace Walpole, published by Direct-Media Publishing House. The author presents an interesting, original and informative study in line with the modern historiographical genre of a personal history. The book characterizes the personality of an intellectual of the Enlightenment, the “gentleman-dilettante,” “lover of intellectual amusements” Horace Walpole (1717–1797), his political and social activities and publishing projects. Particular attention is focused on the analysis of cultural concepts.


Keywords: Great Britain, 18th century, Age of Enlightenment, Horace Walpole.




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