Koshelkov V. A.

Koshelkov V. A.

Historiography Issues and the History of Grain Warehouses in the First Half of the 19th Century (using the example of the Pskov Province) Р. 17-23.

UDC 930+94(470.25).07

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.73.4.002

Abstract. The article focuses on the construction and evolution of warehouses intended for grain storage in the first half of the 19th century using the example of the Pskov region. The relevance of the issue is largely predetermined by the fact that the issue of constructing warehouses for grain storage during lean years in the 19th century is underinvestigated. The author attempts to perform a historiographical analysis of grain warehouse construction in pre-revolutionary Russia, during the Soviet era and in post-Soviet Russia. The article describes the major stages of grain storage system formation and provides a qualitative assessment of the grain storage system in the Pskov Province. The article underlines the significant role of grain warehouses during World War II, when grain was delivered to the front lines to satisfy the needs of Russian soldiers. The article underlines the outmost significance of grain storage as a non-negotiable element of food security of the Pskov Province.


Keywords: hunger, grain warehouses, grain failure, food security.



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