Krivtsov V. A., Nikiforova E. M.

Assessing the Attractiveness of TerrainS for Tourism and Recreation Activities at the Territory of the Miloslavsky District of the Ryazan Region  Р. 86-96.

UDC 551.4:796.5(470.313)

The article assesses the attractiveness of terrains for tourism and recreation activities at the territory of the Miloslavsky District of the Ryazan Region. The authors employ the following assessment criteria: 1) terrain uniqueness, 2) picturesque characteristics, 3) observability and perceptibility, 4) contrast, 5) landscape compatibility, 6) presence of conservation areas in the vicinity, 7) anthropogenic transformations, 8) presence of monuments of cultural and historical heritage, 9) visual attractiveness, 10) suitability for recreation. The author discusses measures that have the potential to enhance the attractiveness of terrains for tourism and recreation activities.

terrain; terrain aesthetics; picturesque characteristics; recreation attractiveness; tourism and recreation potential of a terrain


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