Melnikova D. A.

The State Horse-Breeding Office Program Aimed at Supporting  and Improving Private Horse-Breeding in the Russian Empire (1843–1917) Р. 32-41.


The article treats the program elaborated by the State Horse-Breeding Office and aimed at supporting and improving privately-owned horse-breeding businesses. In the Russian Empire, there were many state-owned horse-breeding businesses and horse-breeding businesses owned by local governments. The author of the article analyzes such sources as periodicals and archives to find information related to horse-breeding improvement strategies. The article investigates the collaboration between privately-owned and state-owned horse-breeding businesses and maintains that privately-owned mares were frequently mated by state-owned stallions rented by private horse-breeding farms, while privately-owned stallions were often hired by state-owned companies. The article investigates the issue of selling and buying horses for state-owned horse-breeding farms. A Purchase Committee was founded specifically for the purpose of supervising purchasing-related processes. The article also investigates the issue of cataloguing privately-owned horse-breeding businesses and underlines its importance. The article analyzes programs elaborated by the Peasant Horse Breeders Office and analyzes incentive programs aimed at horse improvement for the needs of agriculture and the army.


state-owned horse-breeding businesses; horse-breeding; horse-breeders; peasant horse-breading; horses; privately-owned horse-breeding businesses



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