Nikulenkova E. V.

The Issue of Personnel Logistics in the Institute of Red Professors in the 1920s P. 58-66.

UDC 94(47).084.5

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.70.1.006

Abstract. The article focuses on the problem of staffing a novel educational institution, namely the Institute of Red Professors in the 1020s. The Institute of Red Professors was established in 1921 to prepare Marxist ideologists, the so called “red professors”. The institute employed not only prominent Bolshevik scholars and scientists, such as M. N. Pokrovsky, N. M. Lukin, V. P. Volgin, but also the former Menshiviks, such as historian N. A. Rozhkov, philosophers A. M. Deborin and L. I. Akselrod, economist I. I. Rubin. The managers of the Institute hoped to employ prominent members of the Bolshevik party, but, since the latter were exceptionally busy, the institute had to employ unaffiliated professors. In the 1920s the Institute of Red Professors employed many prominent unaffiliated scholars and scientists: historians A. N. Savin, E. A. Kosminsky, A. E. Presnyakov, economists P. I. Lyashchenko. I. A. Trakhtenberg, and others. In the second half of the 1920s the staffing problem was solved by employing the graduates of the institute.

Keywords: Institute of Red Professors, professorial staff in the 1920s, researcher training, M. N. Pokrovsky, N M. Lukin, N. A. Rozhkov, A. M. Deborin, L. I. Akelrod, A. N. Savin, P. I. Lyashchenko.




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