2013-№1(38) Content


V.A. Stepanov, U.A. Gorbunova, L.V. Kubanova

Formation of small innovative infrastructure on the basis of educational institution (university)

S.A. Lamzin

The concepts of potential worlds and teaching foreign languages

Y.G. Antonova

Creative self–development of a future teacher


A.V. Kareva

Tradition and innovation in the history of Russian statehood: M.M. Speransky’s plans for political reform

V.I. Makarov

Scientists of Russia on the eve of October (based on the archives and periodicals prerevolutionary Russia)

A.S. Derbenev

Saudi Arabia’s role in us foreign policy in 1939–1941


O.S. Topolova

Description as a kind of genre of secular travel notes of the second half of the 18th century

A.V. Shapurina

Traditions of Russian poetry of the 18th century in the landscape lyric poetry of F.I. Tyutchev.

T.V. Fedoseeva, G.I.Yershova

To a problem of literary paradox

N.S. Kolotilova.

The goths again.


G.V. Karvitskaya

Interaction with clients: theory and practice of marketing activity

Y.V. Zhukova

In the struggle for the buyer (electronic commerce as an element of information and communication technologies and modern tools to improve a range of services)


M.V. Kazakova, E.S. Kaptyushina, Suslova A.A., O.L. Yagmur

The Erlino park arboretum in the Ryazan region

A.S. Starikov

The effect of electrical nerve and muscle stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s disease


K.A. Arushanov, I.A. Zeltser, E.N. Moos

The fractal nature of nitride contacts.

N.V. Konenkov, M.N. Makhmudov, Yu.V. Strashnov

The dynamic characteristics of mass filter with amplitude modulation of rf-voltage.


VIII International philosophic and culturolociacal simphosium «A man in the world of culture: space and time of modernity»

Scientifiac and practical conference «Orthodox basis of I.A. Solzhenitsyn’ works and world-view», 11th of December, 2012; Round table «Study an popularization of I.A. Solzhenitsyn’ heritage in Ryazan: experience, problems, perspectives»

