2015-№2(47) Article 5

E.N. Kostyleva

Specificity of activity of the peasant land bank in the context of economic modernization of Russian Empire at the turn of the 19-20th centuries (based on Ryazan province). Р. 47-59.

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UDC 433(908)


The article is devoted to specificity of activity Ryazan branch of the Peasant land bank in 1895–1906. It is proved that a Charter, adopted in 1895, had the main influence on the development of the institution during this period. Substantiates the idea that, legislative changes have expanded the operations of the bank and made it a link between peasant and noble classes. Attention is drawn to the fact, that the main activity of Ryazan branch of the late 19th — early 20th centuries has focused on the granting loans to peasants to buy land from the private owners of estates. Provision of loans under lands, have acquired without the assistance of the institution, was not widely developed. Finally it is revealed the connection of commercial and social activities in the foundations of the institution; it is indicating close co-operation with the zemstvo, the most effort to consider the needs of the province. It is concluded that Ryazan branch of the Peasant land bank had a dominant role in the expansion of peasant landing in the Ryazan province.

Agrarian sector, land property, mortgage, the Peasant bank, Ryazan province



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