2015-№3(48) Article 1

I.A. Ildyaev

Professor V.P. Orekhov and his contribution to scientific and educational activities at Ryazan pedagogical institute. P.7-13.

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UDC 530(092.2)


The paper focuses on the life and work of Professor V.P. Orekhov, World War II participant, vice-chancellor of Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute named for S.A. Yessenin, president of a local committee on physics teaching methodology of pedagogical universities in Central Russia, committee member of the Academic Council on Physics at the Ministry of Education of the USSR, chairman of the Local Council of Pedagogical Society, member of the Central Council of Pedagogical Society. The talented researcher, whose contribution to the development of academic research is great, initiated the installation of the optical ground station at Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute named for S.A. Yessenin, organized laboratories for atmospheric optics, X-ray structure, solid state physics, initiated cooperation with Russian and foreign higher educational institutions. V.P. Orekhov, who was the first certified specialist in physics teaching methodology at Ryazan, headed the department of Physics and Physics Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute named for S.A. Yessenin. V.P. Orekhov, a highly distinguished scientist and an acknowledged specialist in physics teaching methodology in Russia, supervised post-graduate research and authored over 100 scientific works.

Orekhov V.P., academic research, physics teaching methodology, Specialized Academic Council on Pedagogy Thesis Defense, research laboratories, optical ground station



1. Il’dyaev, I.А. Zhizn’ i deyatel’nost’ professora V.P. Orekhova (k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [The life and work of Professor V.P. Orekhov (to the 80-anniversary since his birthday) [Text] / I.А. Il’dyaev, V.А. Stepanov // Bulletin of Ryazan state University named for S.A. Yessenin. — 2004. — No 1.
2. Il’dyaev, I.А. Zhizn’ i deyatel’nost’ professora V.P. Orekhova [The life and work of Professor V.P. Orekhov] [Text] / I.А. Il’dyaev, V.А. Stepanov // Fizicheskoe obrazovanie: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferentsii, posvyashhyonnaya 110-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya А.V. Pyoryshkina. — Physical education: problems and prospects: Materials conference of the International scientific and methodical, dedicated to the 110th anniversary since the birthday of A.V. Peryshkina / Moscow state pedagogical University. — Moscow, 2012. — Part 1

