2018 №2(59) Article 11

Ruzhinskaya L.A.

Problems Associated with the Development  of a Tourist Recreation Complex in the Ryazan Region. P. 80-88.

UDC 796.5(471.313)

The paper focuses on problems associated with the development of a tourist recreation complex in the Ryazan region. The article investigates the essence and functions of a tourist recreation complex and factors of its development. It investigates tourist resources, types of tourism, development trends, and competitive advantages. The article analyzes tourism flows, availability of tourist accommodation and food services. It analyzes the factors impeding the development of tourist recreation complexes in the Ryazan region and tourist recreation potential. The analysis is based on statistical data of the Ministry for Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan region. The research identifies problems associated with the development of tourist recreation complex in the Ryazan region.


tourist-recreation complex, tourist product, tourist resources, tourist infrastructure, accommodation establishments.


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