2020 №1 (66) Article 14

Mitrofanov V. V.

New Trends in S. F. Platonov’s Research and Organization Activities   A Review of A. A. Nepomnyashchy’s Monograph “Academician S. F. Platonov and Crimean Regional Studies”. Belgorod,  Constant Publ., 2018, 216 p. (Bibliography of Crimean Regional Studies series, iss. 27) P. 111-118.

UDC 930(092)(048)

The present review focuses on a recently published monograph written by an outstanding scholar A. A. Nepomnyashchy. The book titled “Academician S. F. Platonov and Crimean Regional Studies” investigates an outstanding Russian historian S. F. Platonov’s contribution to Crimean regional studies. The author of the book analyzes numerous epistolary sources some of which have never been analyzed before and successfully accomplishes the goals. The book presents argumentative substantiation of a new trend in the research and organization activities and in educational activities of the academician S. F. Platonov, who was subjected to repression soon after his trip to Ecki-Kermen in 1929 where he had met a German researcher.


  1. A. Nepomnyashchy; A. I. Markevich; archeology conferences; Crimean regional studies; S. F. Platonov; epistolary sources



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  2. Brachev V. S. Sluzhiteli istoricheskoj nauki. Akademik S. F. Platonov. Professor I. Ja. Frojanov [Disciples of Science. Academician S. F Platonov. Professor I. J. Froyanov]. St. Petersburg, Asterion Publ., 2010, 768 p. (In Russian).
  3. Buhert V. G. “I never stop hoping to see you”: S. F. Platonov’s Letters to M. A. Voloshin, 1924–1929. Pamjati akademika Sergeja Fedorovicha Platonova: issledovanija i materialy [Commemorating Academician Sergey Fyodorovich Platonov: Research and Materials]. St. Petersburg, Lyubavich Publ., 2011, pp. 137–145. (In Russian).
  4. Voloshin M. A. Letters to Platonov. De visu [De visu]. Kolobkov V. A. (ed.). 1993, no. 5 (6), pp. 52–61. (In Russian).
  5. Mitrofanov V. V. Problemy istorii Novgoroda Velikogo, Pomor’ja i Sibiri v tvorchestve
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  6. Mitrofanov V. V. F. Platonov i razvitie istorii obrazovanija v Rossii (do 1917 goda) [S. F. Platonov and the Development of History of Education in Russia (up to 1917)]. Langepas, Yekaterinburg, 2009, 200 p. (In Russian).
  7. Mitrofanov V. V. F. Platonov i nauchno-kraevedcheskie obshhestva, arhivnye komissii Rossii [S. F. Platonov, Regional Studies Associations and Russian Archival Commissions]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural State University Publ., 2011, 322 p. (In Russian).
  8. Mitrofanov V. V. Rol’ S. F. Platonova v razvitii rossijskoj istoriografii v konce XIX — pervoj treti XX veka: svjazi s nauchno-istoricheskimi obshhestvami centra i provincii [The Role of S. F. Platonov in the Development of Russian Historiography in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries: Cooperation with Historical Research Societies in Central and Provincial Russia]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural State University Publ., 2011, 501 p. (In Russian).
  9. Nepomnjashhij A. A. Arsenij Markevich: stranicy istorii krymskogo kraevedenija [Arseny Markevich: Pages of Crimean Regional Studies History]. Simferopol, Business-Inform Publ., 2005 432 p. (In Russian).
  10. Nepomnjashhij A. A. “So far we’ve managed to save and protect…”. Investigating Unknown Facts of the History of Crimean Regional Studies through Letters of A. I. Markevich and Academician S. F. Platonov. Istoricheskoe nasledie Kryma [Crimean Historical Legacy]. Simferopol, 2006, no. 16, pp. 138–165. (In Russian).
  11. Nepomnjashhij A. A. “Being aware of all your Crimean plans…”. Investigating the History of Crimea Regional Studies through Letters of F. A. Brown and S. F. Platonov. Prostranstvo i Vremja [Space and Time]. Moscow, 2016, no. 1/2 (23/24), pp. 177–192. (In Russian).
  12. Medvedev I. P. S. F. Platonov’s Academic Report “The Whereabouts of Crimean Goths. Antichnaja drevnost’ i srednie veka [Antiquity and the Middle Ages]. 2011, iss. 40, pp. 390–408. (In Russian).
  13. Platonov S. F. A Conference of Soviet Archeologists in Kerch. Nauchnyj rabotnik [Researcher]. Moscow, 1926, no. 10, pp. 30–32. (In Russian).
  14. Platonov S. F. The Crimea and Archeological Congress. Majak Kommuny [Commune Beacon]. 1927, September 11, no. 210, pp. 3. (In Russian).
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  18. Formozov A. A. Commemorating V. I. Ravdonikas’ 100th Birth Anniversary. Rossijskaja arheologija [Russian Archeology]. 1996, no. 3, pp. 197–202. (In Russian).
  19. Shmidt S. O. S. F. Platonov’s Report on N. M. Karamzin. The Year 1926: Historians’ Confrontation. Arheograficheskij ezhegodnik za 1992 god [Archeological Almanac, 1992]. Moscow, Science Publ., 1994, pp. 39–77. (In Russian).
  20. Shmidt S. O. Istorik S. F. Platonov — uchenyj i pedagog (k 150-letiju so dnja rozhdenija) [Historian S. F. Platonov, Researcher and Educator (Commemorating S. F. Platonov’s 150th Birth Anniversary)]. Moscow, Science Publ., 2010, 156 p. (In Russian).