2020 №1 (66) Article 5

Valov T. V. 

Russian Mass Privatization in 1992–1994  (at the example of St. Petersburg). Part 1 P. 41-49.

UDC 338.«1992/1994»

The article analyzes the period of voucher privatization in Russia in 1992–1994 and focuses on the unraveling of the program in St. Petersburg. It treats some characteristic features of economic reforms in Russia and deals with some drawbacks of the policy. The article focuses on the legal principles of privatization, describes the process of privatization and the political climate of the period. It treats the parliament’s reaction to the economic reforms and assesses the effect of privatization on Russian economics and society.


voucher; enterprise; privatization; industry; reforms; St. Petersburg; A. B. Chubais




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