2020 №1 (66) Article 7
Filimonov S. V.
The Ryazan Gymnasium Financial Aid System in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries P. 58-66.
UDC 362.5:371.212(470.313)«18/19»
The article treats the issue of providing financial assistance to students who attended gymnasiums of the Ryazan Province in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. It focuses on financial assistance to academically successful students from low-income families as a means of ensuring that they have access to educational opportunities and can graduate from their educational institution. It systematizes and assesses major types of financial aid which cover such expenses as tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies. The article maintains that state and municipal government institutions as well as other public institutions worked together to provide financial support to students from low-income families. The article concludes that the financial aid system was rather efficient and it is essential that the issue should be further investigated, for it will definitely contribute to our life.
charities; gymnasium; hot breakfast; tuition fee exemption; public housing; board; scholarship; textbooks; student supplies
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