2020 №1 (66) Article 9

Shevchenko A. A.

The Role of the Home Guard in Protecting the Ryazan Defense Area    during the Battle of Moscow (September 30, 1941 — April 20, 1942) P. 74-79.

UDC 947.085.1

The article treats an issue of undisputable relevance, namely, the issue of investigating warfare activities and operations in World War II. The article focuses on the role of the Home Guard in protecting the Ryazan defense area and other defense areas during the Battle of Moscow. It also focuses on civil defense activities of the Defense Committee of the Ryazan Region. The article assesses civil defense activities and operations of the Ryazan Defense Committee and compares them with those of other regions which were also involved in the Battle of Moscow. On the basis of the assessment, the author formulates some observations and conclusions.

The First Ryazan Home Guard Unit was engaged in the protection of defensive lines, safeguarded important municipal facilities, was engaged in intelligence operations. The Ryazan Home Guard Unit led by an experienced military officer I. N. Romadin was an important asset in civil defense and helped the Red Army troops to protect Ryazan.

The article uses memoirs written by the participants of the events, archival materials, regional encyclopedia and reference books, and popular scientific papers written by modern authors.


Home Guard unit; defense; Home Guard; Battle of Moscow; Ryazan Home Guard unit; General Staff; magnitude



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