2020 №2 (67) Article 1

Maul V. Ya., Rybakova O. G.

Russian Wanderers Searching for the Kingdom of Opona on Women (Wanderings of Ural Cossacks in the Late 19th Century)  Р.7-15.

UDC 94(470.5)«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.001

The article investigates a relevant historical issue of womenʼs role in history. The aim of the article is to study the role of women in family life, society and religion in the late 19th century as viewed by men, bearers of the traditional patriarchal values. The article analyzes previously underinvestigated travelogues of G. T. Khokhlov and V. D. Maksimychev, Ural Old Believer Cossacks, who wrote these travelogues in 1898 during their wanderings in search of the Kingdom of Opona. The travelogues have been previously studied only in relation to the sacred kingdom, but their heuristic value is much deeper than the utopian ideas expressed by the writers of the diaries and those who shared their views. The diaries record Ural Old Believersʼ impressions of unknown cultures and traditions, as well as various aspects of womenʼs lives in Russia and abroad. The article shows that the authors of the travelogues did not pay much attention to womenʼs behavioral patterns. The rare cases when women are mentioned in the Cossacksʼ travelogues are associated with weird and unnatural behaviors, which were usually derided by the male writers. The article provides evidence illustrating discrimination against women as a proof of Russian Old believersʼ gender-related views who lived in the epoch when womenʼs rights were gradually becoming an important and relevant issue.

gender history; travelling to the Kingdom of Opona; travelogue; menʼs perception of women; Ural Cossacks; Old Believers; G. G. Khokhlov; V. D. Maksimychev



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