2020 №2 (67) Article 12

Dolgova N. V.

The Concept of Celebrity in V. V. Nabokovʼs Russian Novels P.115-128.

UDC 821.161.1-31.09«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.012

The article analyzes associations and meanings evoked by the concept of celebrity in V. V. Nabokovʼs Russian novels where the author uses the motif of celebrity. The relevance of the research is accounted for by the necessity to investigate meaningful characteristics of the concept in the informative reality of a literary text. The aim of the research is to identify the notion of celebrity. A celebrity is a character capable of creating immortal works. Such characters remain famous through generations, remain famous even when political and cultural paradigms change. The research maintains that a celebrity is the center of attention and stimulates discussion. The concept of celebrity is shaped by mass-media which participate in creating popularity. In Nabokovʼs novels there are a lot of images of magazines, cinemas, radios, which help develop the plot. The article analyzes the influence of the concept of celebrity on the formation of values and emotions. In a humorous and satirical way, Nabokov shows that being involved in the cross-fire of discussions, assessments and pseudo-righteous judgements, famous people participate in everyday activities. However, the role of mass media in Nabokovʼs stories is highly ambivalent. Characters who lack ingenuity and talent are forgotten by society, while other characters whose works are remembered are considered talented.

The results of the research can be used to study literature of the 20th century, the peculiarities of Nabokovʼs works and the relationship between literature and journalism.


  1. V. Nabokov; concept; literature of the 20th century; mass-media; media; motif; celebrity; literary world





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