2020 №2 (67) Article 9

Gavrilova L. A.

Studying Fyodor Dostoyevskyʼs “A Writerʼs Diary” at School P. 85-90.

UDC 821.161.1-3.09«18»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.009

The article is relevant, for it proposes a relevant approach to the investigation of Fyodor Dostoyevskyʼs “A Writerʼs Diary” by 10th graders and enables grade 10 students to appreciate Dostoyevskyʼs short stories and satirical stories and to prepare to read “Crime and Punishment”.

The aim of the article is to study Fyodor Dostoyevskyʼs philosophical views and to investigate the way he encourages a dialogue in “A Writerʼs Diary”. The research focuses on Dostoyevskyʼs values and intentions and on the way he addresses his readers.

The analysis of Dostoyevskyʼs prose enables the author of the article to make the following conclusions: Dostoyevskyʼs character is compelled to commit suicide by his materialistic views and self-centeredness (the short story “The Sentence”); Dostoyevskyʼs charactersʼ vanity and psychological spontaneity are a great problem, however if people do not disown religion, they have a chance to turn to God and repent (the satirical story “Vlas”); social isolation is triggered off by disregard for gospel values (the short story “The Peasant Marey”). The article suggests an approach to the investigation of Dostoyevskyʼs short stories at secondary school that enables school children to understand that according to Dostoyevsky, further development of Russia is only possible if Russian people preserve their capability of rational reflection, self-analysis, their appreciation of common people, their sincere belief in the truth of Christ, their ability and readiness to feel compassionate to other people.


author; character; counterpart; dialogue; A Writerʼs Diary; idea; intention; short story; companion; secondary school; Fyodor Dostoyevsky; value; satirical story





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