2021 №3 (72) Our authors

Agarev Alexandr Fedorovich — Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of History and Social Theory and History Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

Research interests: social, economic and political development of Russia in the 20th century.


Bogdashina Irina Vladimirovna Postgraduate of the Centre for Gender Research of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named for N. N. Miklouho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: gender history, history of everyday life in the Soviet Union in the 1950s–1960s.


Bodrova Elena Vladimirovna — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of History at Russian State University of Oil and Gas named for I. M. Gubkin.

Research interests: history of state industrial policy, history of oil and gas industry, history of economics.


Bogomolov Igor Konstantinovich — Candidate of History, Senior Researcher at the Institute
of Social Science Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: Russia during World War I, the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Chemyakin Yevgeny Yuryevich — Candidate of History,  Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at Ural University of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia,  Associate Professor in the Department of New and Modern History at Ural Federal University named for B. N. Yeltsin.

Research interests: postcolonialism, multiculturalism, postcolonial literature, migration, British Empire.

Gamaley Sofia YuryevnaCandidate of History, Associate Professor in the Department of State Law Disciplines of Far Eastern Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Research interests: theatre-related state policy in the Far East.

Gracheva Irina Vladimirovna — Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

Research interests: Russian literature of the 19th century, history of the Russian culture.

Drobotushenko Eugeny Viktorovich — Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology at Zabaykalye State University.

Research interests: history of religion, history of social and political processes, history of Russian emigration.

Jeyranov Stanislav Nugzarovich — Postgraduate of the Department of Russian History and Social Theory and History Teaching Methodology, Priest, Chief Priest of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary in Kulishki in Moscow.

Research interests: history of the Russian Orthodox Church, the history of church- state relationships.

Kalinov Vyacheslav Viktorovich — Doctor of History, Head of the Department of History at Russian State University of Oil and Gas named for I. M. Gubkin.

Research interests: history of state industrial policy, history of oil and gas industry, history of economics.

Kuryshkin Valery Pavlovich — Doctor of History, Associate Professor at the Department of History and Social Theory and History Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

Research interests: social, economic and political development of Russia in the 20th century

Mitrofanov Viktor Vladimirovich — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at the University of Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community.

Research interests: S. F. Platonov’s work, historiography of the 19th–20th centuries, source studies, local history.

Nikiforov Denis Igorevich — Postgraduate of the State Academic University for Humanities.

Research interests: Serbian Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875–1878, Serbian Diplomacy in the 19th century.

RodriguezFernandez Alexander Manuelyevich — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of New and Modern History of Asia and Africa of the Institute of History and Political Studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: economic and social-political history of Arabic countries, problems of Islam and Islamism.

Shasherina Lidia Vsevolodovna — Master Student of the Department of Geomorphology and Palaeography of the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University named for M. V. Lomonosov.

Research interests: fluvial geomorphology, geoarchaeology, paleogeography of the Quaternary Period and the Holocene.

Stefutin Sergey Aleksandrovich — Researcher of the Department of Archaeological Monuments of the State Historical Museum.

Research interests: history, archaeology.

Tyumentseva Yelizaveta Mikhaylovna — Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Life Safety and Methodology at the Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University.

Research interests: geomorphology.


Yakovlev Anatoly Aleksandrovich — Candidate of Philosophy, independent researcher.

Research interests: John Locke’s political and philosophical views, methods of intellectual history.


Vorotnikova Anna Eduardovna — Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of the French Language and Foreign Languages for Non-Linguistic Faculties at Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: foreign literature of the 20th–21st centuries, gender research, translatology, stylistics, comparative studies, close reading.

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Posted Saturday September 25th, 2021 by admin in category "Без рубрики