Bogdashina I. V.

The Image of a Soviet Woman as Depicted by Mass Media in the 1950s–1960s and Engraved in Social Memory (regional aspects)  P. 59-68.

UDC 396:070(47)«195/196»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.005

Abstract. The article investigates the image of a Soviet woman as portrayed by provincial mass media. The article analyzes such underrated sources of reliable information as egodocuments and radio performances, which enables the author to compare the idealized image of a Soviet woman and the real image of a Soviet woman of the 1950s–1960s. Mass media created an ideologically “proper” image of a female worker who was actively involved in family and social life. Despite the fact that many “ordinary” Soviet women did their best to fully realize their potential in at least one sphere of life, they had no means to conform to the ideal image broadcast by the media. Due to the discrepancy between the ideal and realistic images, Soviet women often fell victim to social and political criticism. Gnawed by the fear of censure and the desire to condemn others, women were forced to acquire certain behaviour patterns dictated by mass culture.


Keywords: image of a woman, the Khrushchev thaw, female magazines, radio performances, female memory.



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