2019 №1 (62) Article 10

A.A. Tesalovsky, Yu. M. Avdeev


UDC 336.211.1(783)(09)

The article deals with the peculiarities of land surveying and the history of land demarcation in South Dakota. It also focuses on geodetic and cartographic woks performed at the territory of South Dakota and related to cadastral divisions. It focuses on the history of establishing three initial points that mark the beginning point for a cadastral survey: the Fifth principal meridian first surveyed in 1815, the Sixth principal meridian first surveyed in 1855, and the Black Hills meridian first surveyed in 1878. The article provides the longitude and the latitude of the initial points. The territory of South Dakota was unevenly surveyed due to the Black Hills Gold Rush which began in 1876 and brought about the necessity to survey lands that had not been demarcated by the Public Land Survey System. The initial point in the Black Hills region facilitated the surveys in the state. In South Dakota, land demarcation was performed against the background of demarcation technology development and, therefore, correction lines (standard parallels) were not always equally distanced. Even though quality control measures were intensified, land demarcation was sometimes oversimplified (especially when it concerned Indian territories, which necessitated a repeated survey. By the end of the 20th century, the Public Land Survey System embraced almost all South Dakota.


principal meridian; landowning; Indian reservation; land management; initial point; area


  1. Anohina V. S. Iowa. SShA i Kanada: ekonomika, politika, kultura [USA and Canada: Economy, Politics, Culture]. 2012, no. 2, pp. 121– (In Russian).
  2. Anohina V. S. Iowa. SShA i Kanada: ekonomika, politika, kultura [USA and Canada: Economy, Politics, Culture]. 2016, no. 9, pp. 118– (In Russian).
  3. Burt W. A. A Key to the Solar Compass and Surveyor’s Companion: Comprising All the Rules Necessary for Use in the Field. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1879, 118 p. (In English).
  4. Fodness R. S. A Brief History of Land Surveys in South Dakota. Rapid City, South Dakota State Board of Technical Professions, 1994, 44 p. (In English)
  5. Luebke K. A. Black Hills Principal Meridian. Principal Meridian Project. (In English). Available at: http://www.pmproject.org/Black%20Hills.htm (accessed: 03.12.2018).
  6. Luebke K. A. The Sixth Principal Meridian: Mahaska, Kansas. Principal Meridian Project. (In English). Available at: http://www.pmproject.org/6pm.htm (accessed: 03.12.2018)
  7. Manual of Surveying Instructions — For the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States. Morrisville, United State Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, 2016, 510 p. (In English)
  8. Manz L. A. The Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Pt. 2. North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources. Geo News. 2014, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 8–10. (In English)
  9. Penry J. Initial Point of the Black Hills Meridian. Nebraska Surveying. (In English). Available at: http://www.penryfamily.com/surveying/blackhillsinitialpoint.html (accessed: 03.12.2018).
  10. Shankland J. N. The Fifth Principal Meridian. Principal Meridian Project. (In English). Available at: http://www.pmproject.org/5pm.htm (accessed: 03.12.2018).
  11. White A. C. A History of the Rectangular Survey System. Washington, Bureau of Land Management, 1983, 774 p. (In English)
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2019 №1 (62) Article 9

A. Gornov, M. G. Malakhov

RUSSIAN STRONGHOLDS OF THE 19th CENTURY IN CENTRAL ASIA (Assessing the Results of a Research Expedition)

UDC 711.559(57)(09)«18»

The article briefly assesses the results of an expedition aimed at the investigation of military operations and administrative activities performed by an outstanding Russian military officer and statesman M. D. Skobelev in Central Asia.  The research expedition was aimed at restoring the itinerary of the Russian military forces during the Khivan campaign of 1873 and the Alay military-scientific expedition of 1876. The expedition explored the ruins of fortresses of Khorezm and Russian strongholds of Novo-Aleksandrovsk and Aleksandrovsk (Fort-Shevchenko), Kendrili bay and the Ustyurt Plateau through which Russian military forces had marched on their way to the heart of the Khanate of Khiva. To commemorate M. D. Skobelev’s 175th anniversary, the expedition ascended Skobelev peak, the highest mountain of the Kichik-Alay mountain range (Kyrgyzstan) to install a memorial nameplate and a capsule containing earth from the Skobelevs’ estate in the village of Zaborovo (Aleksndro-Nevsky district, Ryazan region). The participants of the expedition interviewed local people, collected and systematized the interviews, made photographs and videos, collected artifacts related to the investigated period.

Russian administration in Turkestan; Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev; the Khivan campaign of 1873; the Alay military-scientific expedition of 1876; Russian strongholds at the eastern coast of the Caspian sea


  1. Abashin S. L., Arapov D. Yu., Bekmakhanova N. E. [et all], Bekmakhanova N. E. (ed.). Central’naya Aziya v sostave Rossijskoj imperii [Central Asia in the Russian Empire]. Moscow, New literary review, 2008, 464 p. (In Russian).
  2. Gijsman P., Bogdanov A. Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich Russkij biograficheskij slovarʼ [Russian biographical dictionary : the 25 t.]. Saint Petersburg., 1904, vol. 18., pp. 564–584. (In Russian).
  3. Glushchenko E. A. Rossiya v Srednej Azii. Zavoevaniya i preobrazovaniya. [Russia in Central Asia. Conquest and transformation]. M., 2010, 608 p. (In Russian).
  4. Grodekov N. N. Hivinskij pohod 1873 goda. Dejstviya kavkazskih otryadov. [The Khiva campaign of 1873. Actions of the Caucasian group]. Saint Petersburg, V. S. Balashev Printing House, 1888, 470 p. (In Russian).
  5. Lobysevich F. I. Opisanie Hivinskogo pohoda 1873 goda [Description of the Khiva campaign of 1873]. — Saint-Petersburg, Type. Partnership “Public Benefit”, 1898, 304 p. (In Russian).
  6. Posthumous papers of M. D. Skobelev. Istoricheskij vestnik. [Historical Bulletin]. 1882, no. 10, pp. 109–138, 275–294. (In Russian).
  7. Terentyev M. A. Istoriya zavoevaniya Srednej Azii [History of conquest of Central Asia]. In 3 Saint Petersburg, Type. V. V. Komarova, 1906, vol. 2, 547 p. (In Russian).
  8. Trotsky V. N. Materialy dlya opisaniya Hivinskogo pohoda 1873 goda [Materials for the description of the Khiva campaign of 1873]. Tashkent, Type. F. V. Bazilevsky, 1881–1882, Pt. 1–3, 615 p. (In Russian).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 8

N. S. Kozyakova


УДК 321.64(=39)«195/197»

The article analyzes Austrofascism as an ideology of the second half of the 20th century. The phenomenon of Austrofascism is viewed at two levels: at the level of non-systematized fragmentary assessments and at the level of collective ideas. The author focuses on the impact of neofascism on national mentality. The article concludes that Austrofascism relied on the notion of anti-communism to strengthen its position in Austrian society.

anti-communism; Austrian Freedom Party; Social Partnership; world arena; neofascism



  1. Galkin A. A. Germanskij fashizm [German fascism]. Moscow, Science, 1967. (In Russian).
  2. Galkin A. A. German fascismsocial origins of neo-fascism. Mezhdunarodnaya zhiznʼ [International life]. 1968, no. 4, 54 s. (In Russian).
  3. Chatterdzhi P. Imagined Communities: who they imagined. Nacii i nacionalizm [Nations and nationalism]. Moscow, 2002, 300 s. (In Russian).
  4. Gabriel I. (Hg.) Minderheiten und nationale Frage. Wien, 1993, 253 S. (In German).
  5. Hitler A. Mein Kampf. Munchen, 1936, 371 S. (In German).
  6. Horak K. Die Ersten oder die Letzten? Verlag Jungbrunnen. Wien, 1965, 32 S. (In German).
  7. Ley M., Gehmacher E. (Hrsg.) Das Ende der Nationalismus. Neue Fremdenfeindlichkeit und neonationalistische Aufbruche in Ost- und Westeuropa. Wien, 1996, 191 S. (In German).
  8. Osterreichnisches Jahrbuch fur Politik — 2001. Wien, 2002, s. 63–95. (In German).
  9. Schwarz G. Die Europamotivation der Osterreischer. Osterreichnisches Jahrbuch fur Politik — 1993. Wien, 1994, S. 675. (In German).
  10. Steininger R., Gehler M. (Hrsg.). Osterreisch im 20 Jahrhundert. Bd. 2: Vom zweiten Weltkrieg bis zur Gegenwart. Wien, 1997, 320 S. (In German).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 7

А.A. Shevchenko


UDC 947.085.1

The article treats the relevant problem of investigating military campaigns which constituted World War II. It focuses on the use of armored fighting vehicles during military operations that took place near Ryazan. The analysis of archival sources shows that the defensive line near Ryazan was maintained by the 17th Tank Brigade, whose reconnaissance operations secured access to occupied territories. Musing on the role of armored warfare, the author speaks about the T-26 tank used in the military operation near Ryazan and describes its design and its usage during military conflicts. Analyzing the reminiscences of the participants of military operations, the author shows that the T-26 tanks were used as linear tanks. The research shows that the T-26 light tanks were equipped with radio sets which enabled the T-26 tanks to control other armored warfare. The article maintains that the armored units have played an important role in securing the defense line near Ryazan. It also highlights the importance of qualified management of the Western front, which enabled armored units to defeat the enemy and to contribute to victory in World War II.

light tank; separate tank battalion; reconnaissance operations; tank brigade; teletank


  1. Arhipov V. S. Vremja tankovyh atak [Time of tank attacks]. Moscow, Voenizdat Publ., 1981, 272 р. (In Russian).
  2. Buchnev Ju. V. Mihajlov 41-j. Hronika sobytij oseni-zimy 1941 g. [Mikhailov — the 41st. Chronicle of the events of the autumn — winter 1941]. Ryazan, 2011, 170 р. (In Russian).
  3. Golikov F. I. V Moskovskoj bitve (zapiski komandarma) [In the Moscow Battle (Notes of the Commander)]. Moscow, Science Publ., 1967, 200 р. (In Russian).
  4. Guderian G. Vospominanija nemeckogo generala. Tankovye vojska Germanii vo Vtoroj mirovoj vojne. 1939–1945 [Memories of the German General. German tank forces in World War II. 1939–1945]. Moscow, 2017, 572 р. (In Russian).
  5. Zhukov G. K. Vospominanija i razmyshlenija [Memories and Reflections]. Moscow, APN Publ., 1986, 981 р. (In Russian).
  6. Kolomiec M. T-26. Tjazhelaja sudʼba legkogo tanka [ T-26. The fate of the light tank]. Moscow, Jauza, Strategу KM, Еksmo Publ., 2007, 127 р. (In Russian).
  7. Mycikov M. I. Konec «Tajfuna» [End of Typhoon]. Kiev, Politizdat Ukraine Publ., 1985, 240 р. (In Russian).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 6

А. A. Panchenko


UDC 378.937(471.341-21)(09)«195»

The era of the Khrushchev Thaw is traditionally characterized by liberalization of domestic policies of the Soviet Union and a greater openness to the outer world compared to Stalinʼs reign. The initiation of international collaboration in the sphere of research enabled Soviet scholars and scientists to openly participate in academic activities and research. The article presents the results of a research aimed at the investigation of international communication of professors and students of Gorky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with their foreign colleagues during the period of the Khrushchev Thaw. The analysis of archival data and the Linguist newspaper issued by the Institute enables the author of the article to trace major trends in international communication and describe some crucial events and participants of international research. On one hand, these events secured further integration of Russian schools into international academic environment. On the other hand, they ensured a greater intensity of the Iron Curtain lifting.

higher linguistic education; Iron Curtain; international education; international communication; Khrushchev Thaw; Soviet Union


  1. Aghajanyan L. L. «Thaw» in the history of national culture: opportunistic and enduring. “Ottepelʼ ” v istorii otechestvennoj kulʼtury: kon”yunkturnoe i neprekhodyashchee [Bulletin of the Moscow state University of culture and arts]. 2015, vol. 4, pp. 85–89. Available at: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24214755 (accessed 18.11.2018). (In Russian).
  2. Boroday A. D. The democratization of cultural life in the Soviet society under the influence of the «Khrushchev thaw». Demokratizaciya kulʼturnoj zhizni v sovetskom obshchestve pod vozdejstviem “hrushchevskoj ottepeli” [Bulletin of the State University of Management]. 2012, pp. 252–256. Available at: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18386536. (аccessed 18.11.2018). (In Russian).
  3. Gorʼkovskij institut inostrannyh yazykov: stranicy istorii (1937–1987) [Gorky Institute of foreign languages: pages of history (1937–1987)]. Nizhny Novgorod, Volgo-Vyatskyky Publ., 1987. 120 p. (In Russian).
  4. Mulyukov S. M. Khrushchevʼs “thaw” as an attempt by the powers-to paralizovat society in the framework of the traditional political system. Hrushchevskaya “ottepelʼ” kak popytka vlasti li-beralizovatʼ obshchestvo v ramkah tradicionnoj politicheskoj sistemy [Social apolitica and sociology]. 2009, vol. 1. pp. 255–259. Available at: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=11917639 (accessed 18.11.2018). (In Russian).
  5. Sizov S. G. Higher education and science in Omsk in the years of «The Thaw» (March 1953 — 1964) Zapadnaya Sibirʼ i sopredel’nye territorii: demograficheskie i social’no-istoricheskie processy (XVIII–XX vv.) [Western Siberia and adjacent territories: demographic and socio-historical processes (XVIII–XX centuries)]. 2009, pp. 150–164. Available at: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24211644 (accessed 18.11.2018).
  6. Teluk K. R., Balakin V. S. “Thaw” in economic science of the USSR in 1950-ies: the political will or internal evolution? Politicheskij vektor-L. Kompleksnye problemy sovremennoj politiki [Political direction-L. the Complex problems of modern politics]. Chelyabinsk, 2015, vol. 1, pp. 61–68.
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2019 №1 (62) Article 5

Yu. Solodyankina


UDC 1(510):008(-15)

The article reviews a textbook called “The Excellent Figures in Western Culture: Names Worth Knowing in China”, which was prepared by the professorial staff of Shanghai Technological Institute for Chinese students studying the English language. The textbook contains biographies of 133 prominent scientists, scholars, musicians, artists and some politicians who have played a significant role in Western history. The book contains practically no information on engineers and technologists. All entries focus on the contribution made by these people to Western civilization. The analysis of the textbook shows that the Chinese people value literary, philosophical and artistic heritage, but are rather indifferent to political and economic aspects of Western civilization. The textbook contains parallel texts in English and Chinese. The author of the article underlines that the textbook contains some misleading information, while the list of prominent figures includes only five Russian people, which presents a totally distorted view of the Russian contribution to the development of world culture. Hence, political intentions of the authors of the textbook are clear. The article maintains that in an attempt to solve linguistic tasks, the textbook shapes a simplified and ideologically loaded image of Western civilization.


cultural figures; cultural dialogue; image of Western civilization



  1. Barannikova N. B., Bezrogov V. G. Textbook of elementary school: to studying methodology. Markarova T. S., Bezrogov V. G. (eds.). Rebenok XVIII–XX stoletii v mire slov: istoriya rossiiskogo bukvarya, knigi dlya chteniya i uchebnoi khrestomatii: Sb. bibliograficheskikh materialov k Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, 1–2 oktyabrya 2009 g. [The child of the XVIII–XX centuries in the world of words: history of the Russian abc-book, book for reading and the educational anthology: collection of bibliographic materials for the International scientific conference, October 1–2, 2009]. Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, Tverʼ, Scientific book Publ., 2009, pp. 231–234. (In Russian).
  2. Bezrogov V. G. Textbooks of German as reflection of cultural and historical features of the first half of the XX century. Bezrogov V. G., Markarova T. S., Tsapenko  A. M. (eds.). Dorogoi drug. Sotsialʼnye modeli i normy v uchebnoi literature 1900–2000 godov (istoriko-pedagogicheskoe issledovanie) [Dear friend. Social models and norms in educational literature of 1900–2000 (a historical and pedagogical research)]. Moscow, Monuments to a historical thought Publ., 2016, pp. 175–209. (In Russian).
  3. Kanke V. A. Filosofiya uchebnika: 100 rekomendatsii dlya avtorov uchebnikov i uchebnykh posobii [Textbook philosophy: 100 recommendations for authors of textbooks and manuals]. Moscow, University book Publ., 2007, 117 p. (In Russian).
  4. Kostina A. V. The international scientific conference “Civilization identity in the modern world. Philosophy — Culture — Policy” (May 26–27, 2016, Moscow). Nauchnye trudy Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta [Scientific works of the Moscow humanities university]. 2016, no 3, pp. 79–84. DOI: 10.17805/trudy.2016.3.10. (In Russian).
  5. Leontovich O. A. Mechanisms of cross-cultural communication. L.I. Grishaeva L. I., Strukova T. G. (eds.). Mezhkulʼturnaya kommunikatsiya i problemy natsionalʼnoi identichnosti [Cross-cultural communication and problems of national identity]. Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 2002,
    pp. 29–35. (In Russian).
  6. Bezrogov V. G., Markarova T. S., Tsapenko  A. M. (eds.). Dorogoi drug. Sotsialʼnye modeli i normy v uchebnoi literature 1900–2000 godov (istoriko-pedagogicheskoe issledovanie) [Dear friend. Social models and norms in educational literature of 1900–2000 (a historical and pedagogical research)]. Moscow, Monuments to a historical thought Publ., 2016, pp. 5–10. (In Russian).
  7. Chubarʼyan A. O., Myoller H. (eds.), per. s nem. V. S. Dudareva. Rossiya — Germaniya: vekhi sovmestnoi istorii v kollektivnoi pamyati [Russia — Germany: milestones of joint history in collective memory]. In 3 vols. Vol. 3: XX century. Moscow, GAUGN-press Publ., 2015, 398 p. (In Russian).
  8. Dudarev V. S., Lavrinovich M. V., Myoller H.,  Sharf K. (eds.). Rossiya — Germaniya: vekhi sovmestnoi istorii v kollektivnoi pamyati [Russia — Germany: milestones of joint history in collective memory]. In 3 vols. Vol. 1: XVIII century. Moscow, GAUGN-press Publ., 2018. 419 p. (In Russian).
  9. Sokolov A. B. Shkolʼnyi uchebnik istorii v Soedinennykh Shtatakh Ameriki (XIX–XX vv.) [The school textbook of history in the United States of America (the 19–20th centuries)]. Yaroslavlʼ, Publishing house of YarGPU, 2011, 344 p. (In Russian).
  10. Ferro M. Kak rasskazyvayut istoriyu detyam v raznykh stranakh mira [The Use and Abuse of History: Or, How the Past is Taught]. Moscow, Higher school Publ., 1992, 351 p. (In Russian).
  11. Chenʼ M. In search of exact reflection: a game mahjong, World War II and ethnic Chinese in multicultural literature for children and youth. Balina M. R., Bezrogov V. G., Maslinskaya S. G., Maslinskii K. A., Tendryakova M. V.,  Sheridan S. (eds.). Konstruiruya detskoe: filologiya, istoriya, antropologiya [Designing childrenʼs: philology, history, anthropology]. Moscow : Azimut, Saint Petersburg, Publ., Nestor-History Publ., 2011, pp. 232–253. (In Russian).
  12. Epshtein I. Detstvo i globalizatsiya: k teoreticheskomu obosnovaniyu problemy. Bali-na M. R., Bezrogov V. G., Maslinskaya S. G., Maslinskii K. A., Tendryakova M. V., Sheridan S. (eds.). Konstruiruya detskoe: filologiya, istoriya, antropologiya [Designing childrenʼs: philology, history, anthropology]. Moscow, Azimut Publ., St. Petersburg, Nestor-History Publ., 2011, pp. 479–496. (In Russian).
  13. Yakushev M. V. Typological features of the textbook as type of the educational edition. Uchenye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Scientific notes of the Oryol state university]. 2014, no 4 (60), pp. 308–314. (In Russian).
  14. Ferro M. Comment on raconte lʼhistoire aux enfants : à travers le monde entire. Paris, Payot, 1981, 316 p. (In French).
  15. Yan Nancy, Zhihong Chen, Jackchen, Yan Ken, Yao David, Ma Zoya, Zhai Weiming. The excellent figures in western culture: Names worth knowing in China. Beijing, Chemical Industry Press, 2012, 304 p. (In English).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 4

Sh. Kabirova, I. I. Khanipova


UDC 947.084.6(471.41)«193/194»

The article treats a mechanism of economic recovery and growth adopted by the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to secure labor mobilization in the 1930s–1940s. The article characterizes the mobilization potential of the republic. It analyzes the ways of labor management and investigates the forms of labor mobilization. The authors maintain that in the 1930s–1940s, one of the main sources of labor force in the Tatar Republic was rural areas. The article underlines that in the 1930s the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was actively engaged in labor mobilization. Working peasants were extensively involved in the territorial development and industrial construction typical of the first five-year periods. The beginning of World War II, when many men were enlisted in the military, resulted in overall shortage of labor and brought about changes in the state labor-related policies. The Soviet government issued laws to regulate peopleʼs work engagement and peopleʼs immersion in social production. The voluntary-compulsory character of these administrative measures enabled the republic to replenish the labor force. In post-war years the republic continued to employ the mobilization strategy to solve problems in the sphere of labor policy.

resettlement policy; social mobilization; Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; labor mobilization; labor service; labor policy


  1. Beznin M. A., Dimoni T. M., Izyumova L. V. Povinnosti rossiiskogo krestʼyanstva v 1930–1960-kh godakh [The duties of the Russian peasantry in the 1930–1960-ies]. Vologda, Vologda scientific coordination center Center of the economic and mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2001, 141 p. (In Russian).
  2. Gallyamova A. G. Tatarskaya ASSR v period poststalinizma (1945–1985 gg.) [The Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic at the period of post-Stalinism (1945–1985)]. Kazanʼ, Tatknigoizdat Publ., 2015, 455 p. (In Russian).
  3. Gilʼmanov Z. I. Tatarskaya ASSR v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine 1941–1945 gg. [Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945]. Kazanʼ, Tatknigoizdat Publ., 1977, 295 p. (In Russian).
  4. Goncharov G. A. «Trudovaya armiya» na Urale v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny [“Labor Army” in the Urals during the Great Patriotic War]. Chelyabinsk, Chelyab. State University Publ., 2006, 222
  5. Klimov I. A. Social mobilization: to the history of the concept. Soobshchestvo. Upravlenie [Man. Community. Control]. 2004, no. 1, pp. 6–23. (In Russian).
  6. Latypova G., Nigmatullin I. From the history of military everyday life in Buinsk. Gasyrlar avazy — Ekho vekov [Gasyrlar Avazy Echo of the Ages]. 2010, no 1–2,62–64. (In Russian).
  7. Meliya A. A. Mobilizatsionnaya podgotovka narodnogo khozyaistva SSSR (1921–1941 gg.): sb. st. [Mobilization preparation of the national economy of the USSR (1921–1941): Digest of articles]. Moscow, Alʼpina Biznes buks Publ., 2004, 350 p. (In Russian).
  8. Mobilizatsionnaya modelʼ ekonomiki: istoricheskii opyt Rossii ХХ Goncharova G. A., Bakanova S. A. (eds.) Sb. materialov Vseros. nauch. konf. 28–29 noyabrya 2009 g. [Mobilization model of the economy: the historical experience of Russia of the twentieth century : Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference November 28–29, 2009]. Chelyabinsk, Encyclopedia Publ., 2009, 571 p. (In Russian).
  9. Maiorov G. D. (ed.) Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tatarskoi ASSR: k 50-letiyu so dnya obrazovaniya: sb. stat. [National economy of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: toward the 50th anniversary of its foundation: collection of stat.]. Kazanʼ, Statistics Publ., 1970, 195 p. (In Russian).
  10. Narodnoe khozyaistvo Tatarskoi ASSR: sb. stat. [National Economy of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: collection of stat.]. Kazanʼ, Tatknigoizdat Publ., 1957, 258 p. (In Russian).
  11. Paletskikh N. P. Sotsialʼnaya politika na Urale v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny [Social Policy in the Urals during the Great Patriotic War]. Chelyabinsk, Chelyab. State agroinzh. University Publ., 1995, 184 p. (In Russian).
  12. Platunov N. I. Pereselencheskaya politika sovetskogo gosudarstva i ee osushchestvlenie
    v SSSR (1917– iyunʼ 1941 g.)
    [The resettlement policy of the Soviet state and its realization in the USSR (1917– June 1941)]. Tomsk, Tomsk. University Publ., 1976, 283 p. (In Russian).
  13. Romanov R. E. Ways of mobilizing the human potential of the Siberian rear (1941–1945): the social aspect. Privolzhskii nauchnyi vestnik [Volga Scientific Herald]. 2016, no. 11 (63), рр. 25–28. (In Russian).
  14. Tagirov I. R. Ocherki istorii Tatarstana i tatarskogo naroda (XX vek) [Essays on the history of Tatarstan and the Tatar people (XX century)]. Kazanʼ, Tatknigoizdat Publ., 1999, 468 p. (In Russian).
  15. Tatariya v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny 1941–1945 gg.: sb. dok. i mat. [Tataria during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 : collection of documents and materials]. Comp. A. M. Zaslow, Y. I. Smykov, N. A. Subaev. Kazan, Tatknigoizdat Publ., 1963, 360 p. (In Russian).
  16. Tatarskaya entsiklopediya : v 6 tt. [Tatar Encyclopedia: in 6 vols.]. M. Kh. Khasanov, G. S. Sabirzyanov (eds.). Kazanʼ, Institut Tatar. entsiklopedii AN RT Publ., 2010, vol. 5: R S T, 736 p. (In Russian).
  17. Trotskii L. D. Mobilizatsiya truda: doklad na ob”edinennom zasedanii III S”ezda sovnarkhozov i Moskovskogo soveta rabochikh i krestʼyanskikh deputatov [Labor mobilization: report at the joint meeting of the Third Congress of Economic Councils and the Moscow Council of Workers and Peasants Deputies]. SPb., Lanʼ Publ., 2017, 12 p. Available at: https://e.lanbook.com/book/96008 (accessed 22.06.2018). (In Russian).
  18. Trotskii L. D. O mobilizatsii industrialʼnogo proletariata, trudovoi povinnosti, militarizatsii khozyaistva i primenenii voinskikh chastei dlya khozyaistvennykh nuzhd (tezisy TsK KRP) [On the mobilization of the industrial proletariat, labor service, militarization of the economy and the use of military units for economic needs (theses of the Central Committee of the СRP)]. Saint Petersburg, Lanʼ Publ., 2017, 13 p. Available at: https://e.lanbook.com/book/96009 (accessed 22.06.2018). (In Russian).
  19. Mitrofanova A. V. (ed.). Ural — frontu [Ural to the front]. M., Economic Publ., 1985, 344 p. (In Russian).

Khanipova I. I. The resettlement policy as a factor of the change of the population in the TASSR in the 1930s. Gasyrlar avazy ‒ Ekho vekov [Gasyrlar Avazy Echo of the Ages]. 2009, no. 1, рр. 52‒57. (In Russian).

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2019 №1 (62) Article 3

A. N. Zuev


УДК 347.254(09):947.084.51

The article analyzes Housing acts issued by the Soviet government during the period of the New Economic Policy. The author treats the process of Housing legislation formation in the Soviet Union. The article deals with peculiarities of housing management in the Soviet Union and the role people played in housing management. The author investigates some problems the Soviet Union had to solve in order to overcome the housing crisis. Special emphasis is laid on the development of housing cooperatives and their role in the recovery from the housing crisis. The author investigates several types of housing cooperatives, peculiarities of their formation and management. The article lists some measures adopted by the Soviet government to support cooperative housing and enumerates some sources of finance. The author highlights that working-class people were in a privileged position. The article also analyzes the results of the 1926 housing census. The author concludes that cooperative housing construction enabled the Soviet Union to overcome the housing crisis during the period of the New Economic Policy.

decrees issued by the Soviet Union; housing policy; housing stock; legislation; sources of finance; cooperatives



  1. Alekseev S. A. Jekonomika zhilishhno-kommunalʼnogo hozjajstva [Economics of housing and public utility sector]. Moscow, Stroyizdat Publ., 1966, 154 p. (In Russian).
  2. Broner D. L. Sovremennye problemy zhilishhnogo hozjajstva [Modern problems of housing services]. Moscow, Higher School Publ., 1961, 69 p. (In Russian).
  3. Broner D. L. Zhilishhnyj vopros i statistika [The housing problem and statistics]. Moscow, Statistics Publ., 1966, 73 p. (In Russian).
  4. Velman V. I. Odinnadcatyj god diktatury proletariata po kontrolʼnym cifram Gosplana SSSR na 1927–1928 gg. [The eleventh year of dictatorship of the proletariat according to the scheduled figures of the State Planning Committee of the USSR for 1927–1928]. Moscow, Leningrad, State Publishing House, 1928, 206 p. (In Russian).
  5. Gendzekhadze E. N. Zhilishhno-stroitelʼnye kooperativy v gorode i sele [Cooperative housing society in city and village]. Moscow, Moscow State University Publ., 1976, 174 p. (In Russian).
  6. Dmitriev N. G. Zhilishhnyj vopros. Dva mira — dva podhoda [The housing problem. Two worlds two approaches]. Moscow, Moscow Worker Publ., 1973, 104 p. (In Russian).
  7. Dmitriev N. G., Rozantsev S. N. Spravochnik po zhilishhnym voprosam [Reference book on the housing problems]. Moscow, Moscow Worker Publ., 1963, 196 p. (In Russian).
  8. Kolomin S. M. The ways to solve the housing problem. Gorodskoe hozyajstvo Moskvy [Moscow municipal services]. 1970, no. 4, 12 p. (In Russian).
  9. KPSS v rezoljucijah i reshenijah sʼezdov, konferencij i plenumov CK [Communist Party of the Soviet Union in resolutions and decisions of the congresses, conferences and plenums of Central Committee]. Moscow, 1984, vol. 4, 40 p. (In Russian).
  10. Semin V. P. Russian History. Ed. 2. Moscow, KNORUS Publ., 2013, 440 p. (In Russian).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 2

V. Stepkin

UDC 271:28


The article investigates the role and function of the labyrinth caves of Valuyski Uspensky Nikolaevsky Monastery in the Belgorod Region and MikhailoAthos Zakubansky Hermitage in the Republic of Adygea. The hypothesis of our research is that the labyrinth caves symbolically represent the ancient tradition of hesychasm brought to Russia by Athonian monks. To achieve our goal, we set ourselves the following objectives: 1) to investigate various research works associated with the caves; 2) to investigate the historical background against which the caves appeared; 3) to study symbolism associated with hesychast doctrine. The author uses the structural-semantic approach to elucidate the semantics of certain architectural elements of the caves. The author also employs the anthropological approach to analyze the motives and value imperatives of those responsible for the creation of the cave labyrinth and to draw parallels between the labyrinth of the caves and the labyrinth of the human sole trodden in search of spiritual growth. The author concludes that the caves reflect the spiritual tradition of hesychasm.

caves; hesychasm; Ladder of Divine Ascent; Russian Orthodox Church; Valuyski Uspensky Nikolaevsky Monastery; Svyato-Bogonosche-Ignatyevsky Tabor Monastery; Mikhailo-Athos Zakubansky Hermitage; Ekaterino-Lebyazhsky Monastery; Athos; Saint Paisius Velichkovsky


  1. Archimandrite Cleopas (Elijah). Kletʼ uma — serdce [Heart is a cage of mind]. Available at: http://www.pravoslavie.ru/50122.html (accessed 13.06.2018). (In Russian).
  2. Bitjugin K. E. On underground constructions in Belgorod region. Spelestologicheskiy ezhegodnik ROSI [Spelestological year-book of ROSI]. Moscow, ROSI Publ., 1999, 1, рр. 77–80. (In Russian).
  3. Gunko A. A., Kondratyeva S. K., Gunko A. P. Ignatius the God-bearers cave complex in Valuiki. Sbornik materialov VI mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii (K 170-letiyu Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva)Speleologiya i spelestologiya” [Proceedings of the VI international scientific conference, to the 170th Anniverary of the Russian Geographical Society “Speleology and spelestology”]. Nabereznye Chelny, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University Publ., 2015, pp. 135–145. (In Russian).
  4. Dolotov Ju. A., Agapov I. A. Spelestological review of Holy Mount of Athos. Peshchery [Сaves]. 2015, iss. 38, рр. 85–116. (In Russian).
  5. Lyakhnitsky Ju. S., Agapov I. A. A cave monastery in the North-Western Caucasus. Assotsiatsiya speleologov Urala [The Ural Association of speleologists]. 2014, 19, рр. 10–11. (In Russian).
  6. Nabivach I. In skete of Valuyki monastery. Voronezhskie eparkhialnye vedomosti. [Voronezh eparchial bulletin]. 1914, 34, рр. 911–916. (In Russian).
  7. Oleynikov T. M. Material on history of Valuyskiy Uspensky Nikolaev monastery. Voronezhskaya starina [Voronezhskaya starina]. Voronezh, Voronezh Church Historical and Archaeological Committee Publ., 1915–1916, 14, pp. 186–262. (In Russian).
  8. Papkov A. I. Valuyskiy Uspensky Nikolopristansky monastery. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, 8 dekabrya 2006 g.Yug Rossii v proshlom i nastoyashchem: istoriya, ekonomika, kulʼtura” [Collection of research papers of IV International Scientific Conference, 8th December 2006 “South Russia in the past and present: history, economics and culture”]. Belgorod, Belgorod State University Publ., 2006, vol. 1, pp. 16–20. (In Russian).
  9. Poleva Ju. V. Kulturno-semanticheskiy aspekt pochitaniya peshcher v Nizhnem Povolzhe i Podone [Cultural and semantic aspect of caves honoring in Lower Volga and Don regions]. Volgograd, Volgograd State Physical Education Academy Publ., 2009, 139 р. (In Russian).
  10. Poleva Yu. V. The role of the underground cells in the cave asceticism on the territory of the Lower Volga and Don rivers regions. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 16–20 noyabrya 2010 g.Speleologiya i spelestologiya: razvitie i vzaimodeystvie nauk” [Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, 16–20 November 2010 “Speleology and spelestology: development and interaction of sciences”]. Nabereznye Chelny, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University Publ., 2010, pp. 158–161. (In Russian).
  11. Pravoslavnye monastyri Rossiyskoy imperii. Polnyy spisok vsekh 1105 nyne sushchestvuyushchikh v 75 guberniyakh i oblastyakh Rossii (i 2 inostrannykh gosudarstvakh) muzhskikh i zhenskikh monastyrey, arkhiereyskikh domov i zhenskikh obshchin (Sost. L. I. Denisov) [Orthodox monasteries of the Russian Empire. Full list of all 1105 existing in 75 guberniyas and regions of Russia (and 2 foreign states) menʼs and womenʼs monasteries, pontifical houses and covents (composed by L.I. Denisov)]. Moscow, Stupin A. D. Publ., 1908, 984 р. (In Russian).
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  13. Stepkin V. V. Athos and Podonye in the late XIX — early XX century: contacts within the context of Shatrishchegorsky cave monastery restoration. Vestnik  Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Seriya II: Istoriya. Istoriya Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi [St Tikhons University Review. Series II. History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church]. 2017, iss. 75, pp. 39–54. (In Russian).
  14. Stepkin V. V. Interrelation of peasant community, church and the state with reference to creation and functioning of Kostomarovsky cave complex in Podonye (middle of XIX — XX centuries). Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Istoriya. Politologiya [Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin. History. Politology]. 2017, iss. 43, no. 15 (264), pp. 128–137. (In Russian).
  15. Stepkin V. V. Via Dolorosa in the caves of Malye Divy area on the Middle Don. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Tomsk State University Journals]. 2018, no. 426, pp. 167–179. (In Russian). DOI: 10.17223/15617793/426/21. (In Russian).
  16. Chenikalova E. V. Athos monasteries phenomenon in Caucasian region and the structure of their brethren as in the case of the Holy Mikhailo-Athonite coenoby. Khristianskaya Abkhaziya [Christian Abkhazia]. 2013, no. 2 (70), рр. 20–23. (In Russian).
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2016 №2 (51) Article 5

E.N. Kostyleva

The development of the State nobility land bank in the Ryazan province (1901–1917). P. 48- 57.


UDC 947(Р473.8) «1901/1917»

The paper treats the activities of the Ryazan Department of the State Nobility Land Bank during the final period of its work. The paper maintains that the main aim of the government was to support landed nobility whose land was mortgaged to the nobility bank and to suppress the growing number of untitled members of the land owing classes. The State Nobility Land Bank focused on executing mortgages and remortgages, which did not affect the amount of debts of the nobility. The Bank thoroughly assessed the mortgaged lands. The paper maintains that banking operations were susceptible to fluctuations in mortgage rates, local climatic and agricultural peculiarities, monetary policy. In the Ryazan Province, especially in its southern part, the revolutionary movement manifested itself through agricultural strikes. The analysis of pre-

revolutionary press serves as a basis for a comparative study of the State Nobility Land Bank and other political and economic forces. The paper maintains that up to 1906 (the year of the Stolypin agrarian reforms) the State Nobility Land Bank used to be the main mortgage institution.

State Nobility Land Bank, noble land owners, mortgage, remortgage, Ryazan Province.


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2. Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Ryazanskoy oblasti (GАRO) [The State Archive of Ryazan region]. — F. 150. — Op. 1. — D. 5 a, 37 a, 51, 58, 64, 72, 78, 83, 89, 97, 101, 111, 115, 116, 128; Op. 33. — D. 24; F. 151. — Op. 27. — D. 11.

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7. Proskuryakova, N.А. Zemel’nye banki rossiyskoy imperii [Land banks of the Russian Empire] [Text]. — Moscow : ROSSPEHN, 2002. — 520 p.

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