Gamaley S. Yu.

The History of Creating and Developing  the National Jewish Theatre named for L. Kaganovich  in the 1930s Р. 27-34.

UDC 792(571.621)(09)«193»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.003

Abstract. In the 1920s Soviet Russia witnessed rapid development of national art which was intricately connected with the national policy promoted by the Soviet government. Soviet Russia as well as the Russian Federation granted all its citizens ample rights and freedoms. The Soviet State enabled allpeoples inhabiting its territories to develop their national art, to create national theatres. The author of the article believes that this experience is worthy and should define the national policy of the 21st century. Driven by this conviction, the author of the article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of the theatre in the Jewish Autonomous Region. The author focuses her attention on the development of the National Jewish Theatre named for L. Kaganovich in the 1930s paying special attention to the theatre staff and their achievements. The article tells about the initial stage of the theatre formation when due to the resettlement policy many Jewish actors were forced to move to the Far East. The author underlines that the actors of the theatre supported all the cultural establishments of the autonomous region by helping organize amateur dramatic societies, giving patronage to the Red Army. The author concludes that the professional development of the National Jewish Theatre of Birobidzhan was a reflection of the Jewish policy of the Soviet government in the 1930s.

Keywords: history of Birobidzhan National Jewish Theatre, Jewish theatre, Jewish Autonomous Region, repertoire, European theatres.


  1. Memoirs Written by an Actor. Vspomnim vseh poimenno… [Let us Remember Each and Every One]. Available at : (accessed 14.04.2021). (In Russian).
  2. Vospominanija ob Je. Kazakeviche [Memoirs about E. Kazakevich]. Moscow, Soviet Writer Publ., 1979, 423 p. (In Russian).
  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Evrejskoj avtonomnoj oblasti (GAEAO) [State Archive of the Jewish Autonomous Region (SAJAR)]. F. 75, 1, D. 168 ; F. 148, Op. 1, D. 1, L. 23 ; D. 1a, L. 16 ; D. 26, L. 14. (In Russian).
  4. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Habarovskogo kraja (GAHK) [State Archive of the Jewish Autonomous Region (SAJAR)]. 137, Op. 4, D. 48, L. 378 ; F. 719, Op. 6, D. 21, L. 50 ; F. 902, Op. 1, D. 14, L. 12 ; Op. 6, D. 21 ; F. 1691, Op. 1, D. 2, L. 403 (In Russian).
  5. Kudish E. Teatral’nyj Birobidzhan [Theatrical Birobidzhan]. Birobidzhan, 1996, 90 p. (In Russian).
  6. Pikalov Ju. V. Pereselencheskaja politika i izmenenija social’no-klassovogo sostava naselenija Dal’nego Vostoka Rossijskoj Sovetskoj Federativnoj Socialisticheskoj Respubliki (nojabr’ 1922 — ijun’ 1941) [The Resettlement Policy and Social and Class Transformations of the Population of the Far East of the Soviet Union (November 1922 — June 1941)]. Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 2003, 211 p. (In Russian).
  7. Platunov N. N. Pereselencheskaja politika Sovetskogo gosudarstva i ee osushhestvlenie v Sojuze Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik (1917–1941) [The Resettlement Policy of the Soviet Union and its Implementation in the Soviet Union (1917–1941)]. Tomsk, Tomsk University Publ., 1976, 310 p. (In Russian).
  8. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv literatury i iskusstva (RGALI) [Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RSALA)]. F. 2075, Op. 16, Ed. hr. 30. (In Russian).
  9. Rjanskij F. N. Evrejskaja avtonomnaja oblast’ [The Jewish Autonomous Region]. Birobidzhan, 1992, 65 p. (In Russian).


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Dzheyranov S. N.

Church and State in Central Russia during the Era of Collectivism ” P. 16-26.

UDC  94(470.33).084.6

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.002

Abstract. The article treats the relationship between the Soviet State and the Russian Orthodox Church in the late 1920s — early 1930s, during the era of collectivism, which brought about the destruction of the traditional world and dramatically changed the traditional lifestyle. The article focuses aggressive on the policy of oppressing the Orthodox ideology and the clergy, which manifested itself though atheism, the dissolution of churches and monasteries, religious persecution. The research focuses on the situation in the Moscow region (the then Central Industrial region), which encompassed several former provinces in 1929-1937. The author analyzes the materials relating to the Ryazan District, the Tula District and the Tver District and investigates the data about peasants’ passive and active resistance to the antireligious governmental policies. The active forms of peasants’ resistance were aimed at the protection of churches and cathedrals against destruction, at helping priests avoid arrests, at protesting against bans on religious services. Moreover, believers protested against anti-Easter campaigns and other propaganda campaigns organized by the Union of Aggressive Atheists. Women were the driving force of the protests. As a passive form of protesting against religious oppression believers spread information about miracles and portents, apocalyptic predictions of ongoing wars and the destruction of the Soviet government n a military conflict, apocalyptic prediction of punishment for joining the impious kolkhozes. Due to believers’ resistance to anti-religious campaigns it was possible to protect churches and cathedrals as the hearth of religious belief and to pass the traditions of Orthodox Christianity to other generations.

Keywords: kolkhoz, collectivism, church, Village Council, priest, peasant, wealthy peasant (kulak), riot, protest.


  1. Apanasenok A. V. A Dramatic Turn in Church History and in the Fates of Believers in the Central Chernozem Region. 1929: “Velikij perelom” i ego posledstvija : materialy XXII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii [1929: a Dramatic Change and its Consequences: Proceedings of the 22nd International Research Conference]. Yekaterinburg, September 26–28, 2019, 362 p. (In Russian).
  2. Batchenko V. S. Krest’janskoe soprotivlenie gosudarstvennoj antireligioznoj politike v 1929–1931 godah (na materialah Zapadnoj oblasti) [Peasants’ Resistance to the State Antireligious Policy
    in 1929–1931 (at the materials of the Western Region)]. Bryansk, 2015, 23 p. (In Russian).
  3. Batchenko V. S. Vlast’ i vera: antireligioznaja politika i ee vosprijatie naseleniem Zapadnoj oblasti, 1929–1934 gody [Authorities and Religion: Antireligious Policy and People’s Attitude to it in the Western Region, 1929–1934]. St. Petersburg, SPb., 2019, 336 p. (In Russian).
  4. Beglov A. L. V poiskah “bezgreshnyh katakomb”. Cerkovnoe podpol’e v Sovetskom soyuze socialisticeskih respublik [Searching for Hallow Catacombs. Catacomb Church in the Soviet Union]. Moscow, 2018, 352 p. (In Russian).
  5. Bjulleten’ Narodnogo komissariata vnutrennih del [Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs]. 1929, no. 37, pp. 1–5. (In Russian).
  6. Deep into the Pine Wood … Rabochij klich: organ Rjazanskogo gubkoma Vsesojuznoj Kommunisticheskoj partii bol’shevikov i gubispolkoma [Workers’ Call: Ryazan Province Committee and Province Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]. 1928, April 14, no. 82. (In Russian).
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  9. Geras’kin Ju. V., Dzhejranov S. N. Church and State during the Era of Collectivism in Ryazan Villages. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin]. 2019, no. 2 (63), pp. 27–38. (In Russian).
  10. Geras’kin Ju. V., Dudorova O. A. State Antireligious Campaign in the Ryazan Province. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Ryazan State University]. 2016, no. 1 (50), pp. 35–40. (In Russian).
  11. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rjazanskoj oblasti (GARO) [State Archive of the Ryazan Region (SARR)]. F. R-5, Op. 2 (vn. 1), D. 5, L. 331, 376–387, 464, 655–656 ; D. 15, L. 34. (In Russian).
  12. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tverskoj oblasti (GATvO) [State Archive of the Tver Region (SATvR)]. F. R-275, Op. 1, D. 12, L. 12–13 ; F. R-313, Op. 1, D. 1, L. 1, 17, 145. (In Russian).
  13. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tul’skoj oblasti (GATO) [State Archive of the Tula Region (SATR)]. F. 11, Op. 1, D. 78, L. 1–5. (In Russian).
  14. Ivanov P. S. Istorija Tverskoj eparhii v XX stoletii : chast 1 (1900–1939 gody) [History of the Tver Eparchy in the 20th Century: part 1 (1900–1939). Tver, Tver State University Publ., 2009, Available at :
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  15. Istorija Vvedenskogo stavropigial’nogo muzhskogo monastyrja [History of Vvedensky Monastery]. Available at : https://www.… (accessed 02.10.2020). (In Russian).
  16. Akul’shin P. V. et al. (comps.) Istorija rodnogo kraja: Starozhilovskaja zemlja [Local History: Starozhilovo]. Ryazan, 2003, 258 p. (In Russian).
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  19. Kommunisticheskaja partija Sovetskogo Sojuza v rezoljucijah i dokumentah sˊˊezdov, plenumov i konferencij [The Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Resolutions and Documents of Congresses, Plenums and Conferences]. Moscow, 1984, vol. 5, 519 p. (In Russian).
  20. Politbjuro Central’nogo komiteta Rossijskoj kommunisticheskoj partii bol’shevikov — Vsesojuznoj Kommunisticheskoj partii bol’shevikov. Povestki dnja zasedanij. 1919–1952 [The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Agenda. 1919–1952]. Moscow, 2000, vol. 1, 829 p. (In Russian).
  21. Kocenko V. (comp.). Prihozhane Kashirskih hramov, postradavshie za veru pravoslavnuju v gody liholet’ja [The Congregation of Kashira Cathedrals. Persecution of Orthodox Christians]. Kashira, 2012, b. 2, 82 p. (In Russian).
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  23. Russkaja pravoslavnaja cerkov’ i kommunisticheskoe gosudarstvo. 1917–1991. Dokumenty i fotomaterialy [Russian Orthodox Church and the Communist State. 1917–1991. Documents and Photographs]. Moscow, 1996, 328 p. (In Russian).
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  26. Archimandrite Avel’ et al. (comps). Svjato-Ioanno-Bogoslovskij monastyr’ Rjazanskoj eparhii [The Monastery of St. John the Apostle of the Ryazan Eparchy]. Moscow, INES Publ., 2007, 581 p. (In Russian).
  27. Berelovich A., Danilov D. (eds.). Sovetskaja derevnja glazami Vserossijskoj chrezvychajnoj komissija Ob#edinjonnogo gosudarstvennogo politicheskogo upravlenija Narodnogo komissariata vnutrennih del. 1918–1939: dokumenty i materialy : v 4 tomah [Soviet Villages as Viewed by the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission of the Joint State Political Directorate of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs. 1918–1939: Documents and Materials: in 4 vols.]. Moscow, 2000, vol. 3 : 1930–1934, b. 1 : 1930–1931, 864 p. (In Russian).
  28. Ivnickij N. (ed.). Tragedija sovetskoj derevni: kollektivizacija i raskulachivanie: dokumenty i materialy [The Tragedy of Soviet Villages: Collectivism and Dekulakization (the Soviet Campaign of Political Repression)]. Moscow, ROSSPEN Publ., 2000, vol. 2 : November 1929 — December 1930, 927 p. (In Russian).
  29. Friz G. L. “All Power to the Congregation”: the Resurrection of Orthodox Christianity in the 1920s. Gosudarstvo, religija, Cerkov’ v Rossii i za rubezhom [Church and State. Church in Russia and Abroad]. 2012, no. 3–4 (30), pp. 86–105. (In Russian).


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Mitrofanov V. V.

New Facts about M. A. Alexandrova,  the First Head of Ryazan Teachers’ Institute for Women ” P. 7-15.

UDC 378.6(092)(470.313)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.001

Abstract. For many generations the Postnikovs served Russia truly and well. Men of the family fought in the battles of the Russo-Japanese War and World War II, while women of the family were prominent educators. M. A. Postnikova (known by her married name M. A. Alexandrova) is the first female head of the first teachers’ institute for women in Ryazan. Her sister Anna Alekseyevna Narkovich headed gymnasiums in the Smolensk Region and in the Ryazan Region. We know about her private life through her correspondence with such prominent scholars as S. F. Platonov and A. E. Presnyakov. Being a devoted student of the former and a close friend of the latter she was often mentioned in A. E. Presnyakov’s letters.

Having worked in St. Petersburg, and having traveled across the country to Khabarovsk and back, M. A. Alexandrova moved to Ryazan where she was appointed head of the teachers’ institute and where she worked for 10 years. She passed away in Ryazan in 1915 at the age of 50. Her last days are known to us due to the letters of her sister Anna Alekseyevna to Nadezhda Nikolayevna Platonova. The letters contain information about other relatives too, which provides more specific data.

Keywords: M. A. Alexandrova, A. A. Narkоvich, N. N. Platonova, Ryazan. Teachers’ institute for women, archival materials, correspondence.


  1. Aleksandr Evgen’evich Presnjakov. Pis’ma i dnevniki, 1889–1927 [Alexander Alexandrovich Presnyakov. Letters and Diaries. 1889–1927]. St. Petersburg, Science Publ., 2005, 867 p. (In Russian).
  2. Bronshtejn M. C. Desjat’ dnej kapitana Postnikova [Ten Days of Captain Postnikov]. Moscow, Impjeto Publ., 2007, 368 p. (Transl. from Esperanto).
  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rjazanskoj oblasti (GARO) [State Archive of the Ryazan Region (SARR)]. F. 621, D. 18. (In Russian).
  4. Grishina N. V. Female Learners, Female Students, Female Admirers. Women in the World of Male-dominated Science (in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries). Mir istorika: istoriograficheskij sbornik [A Historian’s World: Collected works on History]. Bychkov S. P., Sveshnikov A. V., Jakub A. V. (eds.). Omsk, Omsk State University Publ., 2008, iss. 4, 560 p. (In Russian).
  5. Mitrofanov V. V. M. A. Aleksandrova as Head of Teachers’ Institute in Ryazan (1915–1918). Vestnik Juzhno-Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Social’no-gumanitarnye nauki [Bulletin of Southern Urals State University. Social and Humanitarian Research series]. 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 33–39. (In Russian).
  6. Mitrofanov V. V. Major Aspects of M. A. Aleksandrova’s Professional and Academic Activities in her Letters to S. F. Platonov. Sovremennaja zhenshhina [Modern Women]. 2017, no. 1, pp. 86–93. (In Russian).
  7. Mitrofanov V. V. “Solitary Work in Ryazan”: M. A. Aleksandrova’s Letters to S. F. Platonov. Magistra Vitae: jelektronnyj zhurnal po istoricheskim naukam i arheologii [Magistra Vitae: an E-journal of History and Archaeology]. 2018, no. 1, pp. 227–242. (In Russian).
  8. Mitrofanov V. V. “To Sergey Fedorovich from his devoted students”: M. A. Postnikova’s (Alexandrova’s) Letters from Khabarovsk. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin]. 2020, no. 3 (68), pp. 15–27. (In Russian).
  9. Moladikova A. A. Sostojanie i organizacija pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija v Rjazanskoj gubernii vo vtoroj polovine XIX — nachale XX veka [Pedagogical Education in the Ryazan Province in the Second Half of the 19th Century – Early 20th Century]. Ryazan, 2006, 22 p. (In Russian).
  10. Moscow, Execution Lists – Yauza Hospital. Spiski zhertv [Victim Lists]. Available at : (accessed 30.10.2020). (In Russian).
  11. Otdel rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional’noj biblioteki (OR RNB) [Manuscript Department of the Russian National Library (MD RNL]. 585, Op. 1, Ch. 4, D. 5963, L. 1–7 ob., 8. (In Russian).
  12. Pamjatnaja knizhka Smolenskoj gubernii na 1915 god [Memory Book of the Smolensk Region. 1915]. Smolensk, P. A. Silin Publ., 1914, 559 p. (In Russian).
  13. Rjazanskij vestnik [Ryazan Bulletin]. 1915, Oct., 20, no. 240. (In Russian).
  14. Rjazanskaja zhizn’ [Life in Ryazan]. 1915, Oct., 31, no. 303. (In Russian).
  15. Titaev A. Fedor Postnikov v Rossii — Postnikov v Amerike (k 125-letiju so dnja rozhdenija A. Postnikova) [Feodor Postnikov in Russia, Postnikov in America (Commemorating the 125th Birthday Anniversary of F. A. Postnikov)]. Available at : (accessed 01.11.2020). (In Russian).
  16. Hisamutdinov A. A. Literary Clubs in St. Francisco. Dialog so vremenem [A Dialogue with Time]. 2017, no. 59, pp. 275–290. (In Russian).
  17. Postnikov F. A. Voennaja jenciklopedija [Military Encyclopedia]. Available at : https://… (accessed 01.11.2020). (In Russian).



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2021 №3 (72) Our authors

Agarev Alexandr Fedorovich — Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of History and Social Theory and History Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

Research interests: social, economic and political development of Russia in the 20th century.


Bogdashina Irina Vladimirovna Postgraduate of the Centre for Gender Research of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named for N. N. Miklouho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: gender history, history of everyday life in the Soviet Union in the 1950s–1960s.


Bodrova Elena Vladimirovna — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of History at Russian State University of Oil and Gas named for I. M. Gubkin.

Research interests: history of state industrial policy, history of oil and gas industry, history of economics.


Bogomolov Igor Konstantinovich — Candidate of History, Senior Researcher at the Institute
of Social Science Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: Russia during World War I, the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Chemyakin Yevgeny Yuryevich — Candidate of History,  Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at Ural University of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia,  Associate Professor in the Department of New and Modern History at Ural Federal University named for B. N. Yeltsin.

Research interests: postcolonialism, multiculturalism, postcolonial literature, migration, British Empire.

Gamaley Sofia YuryevnaCandidate of History, Associate Professor in the Department of State Law Disciplines of Far Eastern Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Research interests: theatre-related state policy in the Far East.

Gracheva Irina Vladimirovna — Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

Research interests: Russian literature of the 19th century, history of the Russian culture.

Drobotushenko Eugeny Viktorovich — Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology at Zabaykalye State University.

Research interests: history of religion, history of social and political processes, history of Russian emigration.

Jeyranov Stanislav Nugzarovich — Postgraduate of the Department of Russian History and Social Theory and History Teaching Methodology, Priest, Chief Priest of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary in Kulishki in Moscow.

Research interests: history of the Russian Orthodox Church, the history of church- state relationships.

Kalinov Vyacheslav Viktorovich — Doctor of History, Head of the Department of History at Russian State University of Oil and Gas named for I. M. Gubkin.

Research interests: history of state industrial policy, history of oil and gas industry, history of economics.

Kuryshkin Valery Pavlovich — Doctor of History, Associate Professor at the Department of History and Social Theory and History Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

Research interests: social, economic and political development of Russia in the 20th century

Mitrofanov Viktor Vladimirovich — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at the University of Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community.

Research interests: S. F. Platonov’s work, historiography of the 19th–20th centuries, source studies, local history.

Nikiforov Denis Igorevich — Postgraduate of the State Academic University for Humanities.

Research interests: Serbian Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875–1878, Serbian Diplomacy in the 19th century.

RodriguezFernandez Alexander Manuelyevich — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of New and Modern History of Asia and Africa of the Institute of History and Political Studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: economic and social-political history of Arabic countries, problems of Islam and Islamism.

Shasherina Lidia Vsevolodovna — Master Student of the Department of Geomorphology and Palaeography of the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University named for M. V. Lomonosov.

Research interests: fluvial geomorphology, geoarchaeology, paleogeography of the Quaternary Period and the Holocene.

Stefutin Sergey Aleksandrovich — Researcher of the Department of Archaeological Monuments of the State Historical Museum.

Research interests: history, archaeology.

Tyumentseva Yelizaveta Mikhaylovna — Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Life Safety and Methodology at the Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University.

Research interests: geomorphology.


Yakovlev Anatoly Aleksandrovich — Candidate of Philosophy, independent researcher.

Research interests: John Locke’s political and philosophical views, methods of intellectual history.


Vorotnikova Anna Eduardovna — Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of the French Language and Foreign Languages for Non-Linguistic Faculties at Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: foreign literature of the 20th–21st centuries, gender research, translatology, stylistics, comparative studies, close reading.

Category: Без рубрики | Comments Off on 2021 №3 (72) Our authors

2021 №3 (72) Content

Mitrofanov V. V.

New Facts about M. A. Alexandrova,  the First Head of Ryazan Teachers’ Institute for Women


Dzheyranov S. N.

Church and State in Central Russia during the Era of Collectivism


Gamaley S. Yu.

The History of Creating and Developing  the National Jewish Theatre named for L. Kaganovich  in the 1930s 27


Agarev A. F., Kuryshkin V. P.

The German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact of 23 August 1939. Its Meaning and Significance 35


Bodrova E. V., Kalinov V. V.

A Dramatic Turn in Oil Production and Oil Refining at the End of World War II: the Mechanics of Implementation


Bogdashina I. V.

The Image of a Soviet Woman as Depicted by Mass Media in the 1950s–1960s and Engraved in Social Memory  (regional aspects)


Drobotushenko E. V.

The Characteristucs of Buddhism in the Chita Region in the Early 1980s


Yakovlev A. A.

Naturalization, Labor and Market:  Three Essays by John Locke


Nikiforov D. I.

Serbia and the Support of an Uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1875–1878


Rodriguez-Fernandez A. M.

Political Islam in the Social Life of Afghanistan (Late 20th — Early 21st Centuries)



Gracheva I. V.

Curiosities and Rarities of Handwritten Manuscripts in the State Archive of the Ryazan Region


Vorotnikova A. E.

Postmodernist Features in W. Gerhardie’s Novel “The Polyglots”





Shasherina L. V., Stefutin S. A.

The Paleomorpholigic Conditions of the Formation of the Settlementof Shitkino  (Northwest Russia)


Tyumentseva Ye. M.

The Modern State and the Dynamics of Minor Landforms Found  in the Steppes of the Southern-Minusinsk Hollow




Bogomolov I. K.

A Novel Attempt at Writing the Women’s History  of the Russian Revolution.  (Reviewing: Cox’s J. The Women’s Revolution: Russia 1905–1917. Chicago, Haymarket Book Publ., 2019, 133 p.)   


Chemyakin Ye. Yu.

On Translation of D. Chakrabarty’s  “Provincializing Europe”


Our authors

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2019 №1 (62) Our authors

Michiko Ikuta — Ph. D., Emeritus Professor at Osaka State University.

Research interest: Russian-Japanese relations, Russian Diaspora in Northeast Asia, everyday life of Japanese women in territories occupied by the Soviet Army and in Siberian concentration camps, repressed Russian Japanologists.

Contact information: e-mail:


Stepkin Vitaliy Viktorovich — Candidate of History, history teacher at a secondary school in the town of Pavlovsk.

Research interests: cave building in the history and traditional culture of European Russia
(the 17th — early 21st centuries).

Contact information: e-mail:


Zuev Aleksey Nikolaevich — Postgraduate student of the Department of History at Kostroma State University.

Research interests: cooperation in the USSR in the 20th century.

Contact information: e-mail:


Kabirova Ayslu Sharipzyanovna — Doctor of History, Leading researcher in the Department of Modern History at the Institute of History named for Sh. Marjani of the Academy of Science of the Tatar Republic.

Research interests: World War II, the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Contact information: e-mail:


Khanipova Ilnara Ildusovna — senior researcher in Department of Modern History at the Institute of History named for Sh. Marjani of the Academy of Science of the Tatar Republic.

Research interests: the history of childhood, the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Contact information: e-mail:


Solodyankina Olga Yuryevna — Doctor of History, Professor in the Department of History and Philosophy at Cherepovets State University

Research interests: history of education, intercultural communication

Contact information: e-mail:


Panchenko Alla Aleksandrovna — Postgraduate Student of Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named for N. A. Dobrolyubov.

Research interests: state policy in the sphere of linguistic education in the Soviet Union.

Contact information: e-mail:


Shevchenko Andrey Aleksandrovich — Postgraduate Student of the Department of History at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: the Battle of Moscow (1941–1942) in the Ryazan Region.

Contact information: e-mail:


Kozyakova Natalya Sergeyevna — Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Law at Moscow State Regional University.

Research interests: church history, ideology of neofascism, history of Austria, World War II.

Contact information: e-mail:


Gornov Vladimir Anatolyevich — Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Vice-rector for Research at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: Sociocultural research, Russian history of the late 19th century, regional studies.

Contact information: e-mail:


Malakhov Mikhail Georgiyevich — Hero of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Medicine, Senior researcher of the Russian America research center at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: Russiaʼs geographical heritage.

Contact information: e-mail:


Tesalovsky Andrey Albertovich — Candidate of Technology, Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Cadastre and Geodesy at Vologda State University.

Research interests: land management and cadaster.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc.): (8172) 72-52-48, ext. 350, 352; e-mail: andrew-tesalovsky@

Avdeev Yury Mikhailovich — Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor in the Department of Town Planning Cadastre and Geodesy at Vologda State University.

Research interests: cadastral and land management.

Contact information: е-mail:


Yamashkin Anatoly Alexandrovich — Doctor of Geography, Professor in the Department of Land Development, Dean of Faculty of Geography at Mordovia National Research University named for N. P. Ogarev.

Research interests: geoinformation technologies, landscape planning.

Contact information: e-mail:


Silaeva Tatyana Borisovna — Doctor of Biology, Professor, Professor in the Department of Botany, Physiology and Plant Ecology of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biology of Mordovia State University named for N. P. Ogarev.

Research interest: botany, biogeography, floristry.

Contact information: e-mail: 


Yamashkin Stanislav Anatolyevich — Candidate of Technology, Associate Professor in the Department of Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering of Mordovia State University named for N. P. Ogarev.

Research interest: information systems.

Contact information: e-mail:


Zarubin Oleg Aleksandrovich  — Lecturer in the Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture of the Faculty of Geography of Mordovia State University named for N. P. Ogarev.

Research interest: geoinformation technology, landscape planning.

Contact information: e-mail:  


Ruzhinskaya Lubov Aleksandrovna — Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography and Tourism at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: Russian territorial economy and population geography.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc.): 8 (4912) 28-13-12; e-mail: l.ruzhinskaya@


Krivtsov Vyacheslav Andreyevich — Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor in the Department of Geography and Geography Teaching Methodology of the Faculty of Geography at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: regional geomorphology, physical geography.

Contact information: Phone No.: (4912) 28-19-36; e-mail:


Vodorezov Aleksey Vladimirovich — Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Geography and Geography Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: ecological geomorphology, landscape studies, biogeography.

Contact information: Phone No.: (4912) 28-19-36; e-mail:


Vorobyev Aleksey Yuryevich — Assistant of the Department of Physical Geography and Geography Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: regional geomorphology, physical geography, paleogeography.

Contact information: e-mail:


Puzakov Sergey Vyacheslavovich — geodetic engineer, Interstar Stroy LLC.

Research interests: regional physical geography, landscape science.

Contact information: e-mail:


Sheina Irina Mikhaylovna — Candidate of Philology, Professor in the Department of Oriental Languages and Language Teaching Methodology at Ryazan Sate University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: lexical borrowings, linguistic conceptualization, discourse analysis.

Contact information: e-mail:


Reshetova Anna Anatolyevna — Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin.

Research interests: ancient Russian Literary journey, XVI–XVII century pilgrim literature.

Contact information: Phone No (Ofc.): (4912) 25-35-49; е-mail:



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2019 №1 (62) Article 14

I.M. Sheina


UDC 811.56’373.45(=82)

The article presents the results of semantic and stylistic analyses of Russian borrowings in the Aleut language. The study aims at clarifying the specific features of Russian-Aleut cross-cultural and cross-linguistic contacts. The focus of the research is on borrowings proper, words that were borrowed both in form and in meaning. The influx of Russian words is explained by both extra-linguistic and linguistic factors. It was necessary to give names to new objects and phenomena, and changes in the life style revealed the necessity of further specification of thematic groups. The semantic analysis helped to identify the thematic groups with the largest influx of Russian words. The stylistic analysis revealed a significant number of dialectal words, historical words, archaisms and professionalisms. The results of the study show a profound and multifaceted impact of the Russian language and culture on the Aleuts.

archaisms; borrowings; dialectal words; historical words; professionalisms; Russian America; thematic groups


  1. Weinreich, W. Yazykovye kontakty [Language contacts]. Kiev, Vyscha shkola, 1979. 246 p.
  2. Golovko E. V., Vakhtin N. B. Asinovsky A. S. YAzyk komandorskih aleutov. Dialekt ostrova Bering [The Language of the commander Aleuts. The dialect of Bering island]. Saint Petersburg, Science, 2009. 355 p. (In Russian).
  3. Black L. T. Russians in Alaska 1732–1867. Fairbanks, Alaska : Alaska University Press, 2004. 328 p. (In English).
  4. Bergsland K. Aleut Dictionary. Fairbanks, Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1994, 755 p. (In English).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 13

V.A. Krivtsov, A. V. Vodorezov, A. Yu. Vorobyev, S. V. Puzakov


UDC 551.4(741.313)


The article treats modern exogenous relief-forming processes and their distribution at the territory of the Ryazan region, including unfavorable and potentially dangerous exogenous relief-forming processes, such as sheet erosion and gully erosion in interfluvial areas and valley slopes, side erosion in river flood plains, ravine erosion, landslide activity on the valley slopes, karst processes, suffusion, collapsible soils, biogenic accumulation in flood plains, fluvial terraces and interfluvial areas, and aeolian processes. The article analyzes the surface area affected by the above mentioned processes.


relief-forming processes; sheet erosion; gully erosion; erosion; landslide activity; karst processes; suffusion; collapsible soils; biogenic accumulation; aeolian processes


  1. Vodorezov A. V., Krivtsov V. A. Antropogennaya transformaciya rel’efa na territorii ryazanskoj oblasti i eyo rol’ v formirovanii sovremennyh landshaftov [Anthropogenic transformation of relief in Ryazan region and its role in the formation of modern landscapes]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin, 2005, 219 p. (In Russian).
  2. Vodorezov A. V., Puzakov S. V. Padings on interstream areas in the Northern part of Oka-Don plain: the number, the severity of the relief and landscapes. Kladovshchikova M. E., Tokarev S. V. (ed.) Materialy ХХХV Plenuma Geomorfologicheskoj komissii RAN “Teoriya i metody sovremennoj geomorfologii” [Papers of the 35th Plenum of the Geomorphological Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Theory and Methods of Modern Geomorphology”]. Simferopol, 2016, vol. 2, pp. 144–148. (In Russian).
  3. Vorobyev A. Yu. Local deformations of the Oka middle riverbed in its middle reaches. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Vestnik of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin]. 2018, no. 4 (61), pp. 113–124. (In Russian).
  4. Vorobyev A. Yu., Puzakov S. V. The dynamics of side erosion of the concave banks of the Oka river in its middle course. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Vestnik of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin]. 2017, no. 3 (56), pp. 152–161. (In Russian).
  5. Krivtsov V. A., Vorobyev A. Yu. Spatial patterns and formation of floodplain morphology of the Oka river in the Ryazan region. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Vestnik of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin]. 2014, no. 1 (42), pp. 141–154. (In Russian).
  6. Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V. Osobennosti stroeniya i formirovaniya rel’efa na territorii Ryazanskoj oblasti [Features of the structure and formation of relief in Ryazan region]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin, 2006, 276 p. (In Russian).
  7. Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V. Active exogenous topography change in Ryazan region. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Vestnik of the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin]. 2014, no. 2 (43), pp. 126–142. (In Russian).
  8. Krivtsov V. A., Tobratov S. A, Vodorezov A. V., Komarov M. M., Zheleznova O. S., Soloviova E. A. Prirodnyj potencial landshaftov Ryazanskoj oblasti [The potential of natural landscapes in Ryazan region]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named for S. A. Esenin, 2011, 768 p. (In Russian).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 12

L.A. Ruzhinskaya


UDC 796.5(471.313)


The article treats various problems related to tourism development in the Ryazan Region. It investigates tourist resources and type of tourism popular in the region. It identifies major trends of tourism development and their potential competitive advantages. The article analyzes tourism flows, tourism accommodation potential, and meal facilities. It identifies the role of the cluster approach in the development of tourism infrastructure. It analyzes various factors hindering tourism growth and defines various problems of tourism development in the region.


recreation complex; types of tourism; tourism product; tourist resources; tourism infrastructure; tourist flow; accommodation potential


  1. Ruzhinskaya L. A. Analysis of the development of tourist infrastructure in the Ryazan Re Komissarova T. (ed.) Materialy VII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., 20 aprelya 2015 g. “Servisu i turizmu — innovacionnoe razvitie” [Materials of the VII International Scientific Practical Conference “Service and Tourism — Innovative Development”]. Saint Petersburg, Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, 2015, pp. 165–169. (In Russian).
  2. Ruzhinskaya L. A. Assessment of the Development of Tourism in the Ryazan Region. Komissarova T. (ed.) Materialy IX Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. 24 marta 2017 g. “Servisu i turizmu — innovacionnoe razvitie” [Materials of the IX International Scientific Practical Conference “Service and Tourism — Innovative Development”]. Saint Petersburg, Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, 2017, pp. 69–72. (In Russian).
  3. Ruzhinskaya L. A. Prospects for the development of ecological tourism in the Ryazan Region. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin]. 2017, no. 2 (55), pр. 175–180. (In Russian).
  4. Ruzhinskaya L. A. The Role of Tourist and Recreational Clusters in the Development of Tourism in the Ryazan Region. V. Krivtsov (ed.). Materialy Vseros. konf., posvyashch. 30-letiyu nachala podgotovki specialistov-geografov v RGU im. S. A. Esenina i Godu ehkologii v Rossijskoj Federacii, 22–24 noyabrya 2017 g.Voprosy geografii i ehkologii” [Materials of the All-Russian Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the training of specialists-geographers at RSU them. S. A. Yesenin and the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation “Geography and Ecology Issues”]. Ryazan, Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin, 2017, pp. 97–102. (In Russian).
  5. Turizm i otdyh v Ryazanskoj oblasti [Tourism and recreation in the Ryazan region]. (in Russian). Available at: (accessed:12. 2018).
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2019 №1 (62) Article 11

A.A. Yamashkin, T. B. Silayeva, S. A. Yamashkin, O. A. Zarubin


 UDC 551.436(282.247.413)


The article investigates issues related to the practical implementation of the results of landscape modeling for the development and implementation of environmental protection programs at the example of the valley of the middle reaches of the Sura river. The analysis of spatial and temporal aspects of geosystems interprets the data accumulated by the Mordovia geographic information system (GIS) and synthetic maps developed using the signal processing mechanism. The main sources of information are Earth remote sensing data, databases storing the results of field research inventorying rare and threatened plant species included into the Red Lists of the Republic of Mordovia and the Ulyanovsk Region, synthetic maps of ecological balance areas between the Oka and Volga rivers. Discussing the results of the research, the article provides a description of landscape structure and an account of the distribution of rare plant species. It characterizes the forest-steppe ecotone in the valley of the Sura river, pine and mixed conifer forest structures of the ancient alluvial plains and fluvioglacial plains, floodplain hydromorphuc geosystems. Special attention is given to Lake Inerka, the largest water reservoir in the Republic of Mordovia. The article maintains that the valley of the middle reaches of the Sura river is characterized by high landscape and cenotic diversity.


geoinformation modeling; geosystem; landscape; protected areas; rare plant species; synthetic map


  1. Yamashkin A. А. (ed.). Geograficheskij Atlas Respubliki Mordoviya [Geographical Atlas of the Republic of Mordovia]. Saransk, Mordovia University Publ., 2012, 204 p. (In Russian).
  2. Silaeva T. B. (ed.). Krasnaya kniga Respubliki Mordoviya. Redkie vidy rastenij i gribov [Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia. Rare plant and mushroom species (ed. 2)]. Saransk, Mordovia University Publ., 2017, vol. 1, 288 p. (In Russian).
  3. Trutnev U. P. (ed.). Krasnaya kniga Rossijskoj Federacii (rasteniya i griby) [The Red Book of the Russian Federation (plants and mushrooms)]. Moscow, KMK, 2008, 885 p. (In Russian).
  4. Artemieva E. A. (ed.). Krasnaya kniga Ul’yanovskoj oblasti [Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region]. Moscow, Buki Vedi Publ., 2015, 550 p. (In Russian).
  5. Silaeva T. B. (ed.). Redkie rasteniya i griby. Materialy dlya vedeniya Krasnoj knigi Respubliki Mordoviya za 2015 g. [Rare plants and mushrooms. Materials for maintaining the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia for 2015]. Saransk, Mordovia University Publ., 2015, 140 p. (In Russian).
  6. Silaeva T. B. (ed.). Redkie rasteniya i griby. Materialy dlya vedeniya Krasnoj knigi Respubliki Mordoviya za 2016 g. [Rare plants and mushrooms. Materials for maintaining the Red Book of the Republic of Mordovia for 2016]. Saransk, Mordovia University Publ., 2016, 100 p. (In Russian).
  7. Silaeva T. B. (ed.). Sosudistye rasteniya Respubliki Mordoviya (konspekt flory) [Vascular plants of the Republic of Mordovia (outline of flora)]. Saransk, Mordovia University Publ., 2010, 352 p. (In Russian).
  8. Tishkov A. A. (ed.). Territories of special conservation value of the Republic of Mordovia. Izumrudnaya kniga Rossijskoj Federacii. Territorii osobogo prirodoohrannogo znacheniya Evropejskoj Rossii [Emerald book of the Russian Federation. Territories of special conservation value of European Russia]. Moscow, Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 97–116.
    (In Russian).
  9. Tikhomirov V. N., Silaeva Т. B. Konspekt flory Mordovskogo Prisur’ya. Sosudistye rasteniya [Abstract of the flora of Mordovian Prisurye. Vascular plants]. Moscow, Moscow University Publ., 1990, 82 p. (In Russian).
  10. Yamashkin A. A., Yamashkin S. A., Klikunov A. A., Akashkina A. G., Shukshin U. S. Use of GIS in the analysis of the morphological structure of landscapes. Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Ser. “Biologiya. Nauki o Zemle” [Bulletin of Udmurt University. Biology. Earth Sciences]. 2013, no. 6 (3),
    115–122. (In Russian).
  11. Yamashkin A. A., Novikova L. A., Yamashkin S. A., Yakovlev E. U., Uhanova O. M. Spatial model of landscapes of the western slopes of the Volga Upland. Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Ser. “Biologiya. Nauki o Zemle” [Bulletin of Udmurt University. Biology. Earth Sciences]. 2015, vol. 25, no. 3 (163), pp. 124–132. (In Russian).
  12. Yamashkin A. A., Yamashkin S. A. Use of direct distribution neural networks for landscape mapping on the basis of space images. Geodeziya i kartografiya [Geodesy and Cartography]. 2014, no. 1, pp. 52–58. (In Russian).
  13. Yamashkin A. A., Yamashkin S. A. Application of the edge selection algorithm to solving the problem of modeling the boundaries of landscapes. Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. “Geografiya. Geoehkologiya” [Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Geography. Geoecology]. 2013, no. 2, pp. 28–34. (In Russian).
  14. Yamashkin A. A., Yamashkin S. A. Structure of a regional GIS for landscape planning purposes. Izvestiya Smolenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [News of Smolensk State University]. 2014, vol. 4, no. 28 (163), pp. 305–314. (In Russian).


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