2019 №4 (65) Content


Tretyakova M. V.

“VEDI NAPOLI E POI MUORI”: the Description of Naples Fountains   in a Travel Essay by P. A. Tolstoy


Sofyin D. M.

Moscow Economic Development and Site Improvement during the rule of Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich of Russia (as described by Russian historians)


Erlikhson I. M.

The Legend of TERRA AUSTRALIS   in European Utopian Discourse of the 17th Century (inspired by the novel “The Southern Land, Known” by G. de Foigny)


Melnikova D. A.

The State Horse-Breeding Office Program Aimed at Supporting   and Improving Private Horse-Breeding in the Russian Empire (1843–1917)


Popova O. D.

Russian People’s Ideas about Living Standard Improvement Strategies  as a Reflection of Russian Mentality of the Early 20th Century


Veremenko V. A., Zhukova A. E.

Proletarians of the Kitchen Fight for their Rights:   The Strategies used by Russian Female Household Servants  of the Early 20th Century to Protect their Rights


Chekalev-Demidovsky P. S.

The Road of Life, or the Ice Road Winter Transport Route: Evacuating People from Leningrad. The Winter of 1941–1942


Gamaley S. Yu.

The Origins of the Kamchatka Drama Theatre, its Art and Craft (1933–1945)


Dymchak D. I.

Hegemony as a key CONCEPT of Antonio Gramsci’s Political Philosophy



Krivtsov V. A., Nikiforova E. M.

Assessing the Attractiveness of TerrainS for Tourism and Recreation Activities at the Territory of the Miloslavsky District of the Ryazan Region


Yamskikh G. Yu., Lebedeva N. V., Makarchuk D. E., Zharinova N. Yu., Brungardt V. O., Bochka V. V.

The Paleographic Conditions of the Holocene in the Valley of the Oia River (the South Minusinsk Hollow)


Nosonov A. M.

Agrarian Holdings as a Form of Organizational and Managerial Innovations  in Agro-Industrial Complexes



Grot L. P.

The Image of a Kingdom under the Sun in Historical Sources and in J. P. Polonsky’s Works


Ushakova D.

O. P. Polonsky on National Traditions. Travel Essays Written in the Caucasus


Storozheva A. A.

The Image of Steppe in the Prose of N. V. Gogol and A. P. Chekhov: a Comparative Analysis



Sanaa Mohamed Khalil

Some Demographic and Psychological Variables that Predict Marital Adjustment in Wives



Reshetova A. A., Fedoseeva T. V.

The 2nd International Research Conference “J. P Polonsky: Person, Poetry, Epoch”(Commemorating the Poet’s 200th Birth Anniversary)


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