2021 №4 (73) Content


Ivanov V. A.

To the Question of the Reliability of the Information in the Service Records on the Property Status of Servants-nobles Local government Institutions of Russia Mid-19th Century


Koshelkov V. A.

Historiography Issues and the History of Grain Warehouses in the First Half of the 19th Century (using the example of the Pskov Province)


Vlasov A. E., Shtepa A. V.

“They started doing their dirty deed…”: Informants and Snitches in Kaluga Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party 


Dolinnikova O. V.

Girls in Industrial Workers’ Families in St. Petersburg in the Second Half of the 19th Century — Early 20th Century


Kopylov N. A.

Civil War in the Volga Region in the Summer of 1918. Simbirsk Operation as Viewed by Rivalry Armies


Tryakhov I. S.

Subsidiary Farming as a Solution to Food Insecurity during World War II  (using the example of rearward towns of the Vladimir Region)


Shchevyov A. A., Sinelnikov I. Yu.

The Role of Ryazan Evacuation Hospital during World War II


Yeshtyganova S. S.

Materials Published by Periodicals of Mari State Pedagogical Institute named for N. K. Krupskaya as a Source of Historical Information


Lapshina I. K., Lyubimtsev F. A.

American and Soviet Military Personnel in the Vietnam War (investigating ego-documents)



Valova O. M.

Ch. Swinburne’s Personality and Works as Assessed by O. Wilde


Lavrentyeva N. V.

Intertext in Max Frei’s Novel “Beware”



Vorobyov A. Yu.

The Development of Geology-based Knowledge of the Relief and Landscape of the Middle Oka Valley (the 1950s–1970s)



Gornov V. A.

“Exploring Russian America”: to New Discoveries


Yuzhakova Yu. A.

Russian Grammar: System — Language Usage — Language Variation, the Fifth International Symposium



Prazdnikov A. G.

The Castles in the Wars of the Roses Review of Dan Spencer’s Book “The Castle in the Wars of the Roses”  (Pen & Sword Military, 2020, 264 р.)


Our authors




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Gracheva I. V.

Curiosities and Rarities of Handwritten Manuscripts in the State Archive of the Ryazan Region ” P. 105-115.

UDC 091:930.25(470.313)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.011

Abstract. The analysis of handwritten manuscripts stored in regional archival collections has been gaining greater relevance, for it promotes deeper investigation of the worldview of people of past epochs, both city dwellers and rural dwellers. The article analyzes a number of underinvestigated

handwritten manuscripts of the 18th–19th centuries that are preserved in the State Archive of the Ryazan Region. Special attention is given to exceptionally rare and historically or culturally significant sources. The author of the article is primarily interested in literary texts. The author of the article analyzes them through the prism of history, culture and everyday life of the epoch when they were created. The aim of the article is to share findings that can further promote the investigation of the issue. Documents preserved in regional archival collections can help a researcher to understand the evolution and transformation of urban dwellers’ and rural dwellers’ tastes, morals and customs.

Keywords: archival materials, literary sources, rare texts, handwritten manuscripts of the 18th–19th centuries.


  1. Bolotov A. T. Izbrannoe [Selected Works]. Pskov, Pskov Regional Teacher Training Institute Publ., 1993, 352 p. (In Russian).
  2. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rjazanskoj oblasti. Nauchnaja biblioteka; no. 13119, Sbornik raznyh vypisok i pisem; no 13370, Sochinenija i bumagi S. P. Rumjanceva [State Archive of the Ryazan Region. Research Library; no, 13119, Collected Letters and Notes; no. 13370, S. P. Rumyantsev’s Essays and Documents]. Vol. 1 ; F. 869, Op. 1, D. 484 : Rukopisnyj sbornik rjazanskogo kupca [A Ryazan Merchant’s Manuscripts]; D. 610 : Sbornik basen neizvestnogo avtora [Collected Fables by an Unknown Author]. (In Russian).
  3. Gubin D. V., Sevast’janova A. A. Describing Manuscripts of the State Archive of the Ryazan Region. Rjazanskaja vivliofika [Ryazan Bibliophics]. Ryazan, Aleksandr Rautman Publ., 2001, iss. 2, pp. 3–18. (In Russian).
  4. Trudy Rjazanskoj uchenoj arhivnoj komissii (TRUAK) [Works of Ryazan Scientific Archival Commission]. Ryazan, Province Publ., vol. 2, iss. 2, 1888, pp. 24–25 ; vol. 4 : Appendices, 1890, 4 p. ; vol. 5, iss. 4, pp. 39–58. (In Russian).
  5. Krestova L. V. S. P. Rumyantsev — a Writer and a Publicist (1755–1838). Russkaja literatura XVIII veka. Jepoha klassicizma [Russian Literature of the 18th Century. The Epoch of Classicism]. Moscow, Leningrad, Science Publ., 1964, pp. 91–128. (In Russian).
  6. Kuz’mina V. D. Parody in Satirical and Humorous Manuscripts of the 18th Century. Zapiski otdela rukopisej Gosudarstvennoj biblioteki imeni V. I. Lenina [Manuscripts of the Department of Manuscripts of the State Library named for V. I. Lenin]. Moscow, 1955, iss. 17, pp. 145–153. (In Russian).
  7. Pryzhov I. G. Stat’i. Pis’ma [Essays. Articles. Letters]. Moscow, Leningrad, Academy Publ., 1934, 486 p. (In Russian). (In Russian).
  8. Pyljaev M. P. Staryj Peterburg. Rasskazy o byloj zhizni stolicy [The Old St. Petersburg. Tales of the Olden Days]. Moscow, OLMA Media Grupp Publ., 2014, 304 p. (In Russian).
  9. Rovinskij D. A. Russian Folk Drawings: b. 1. Sbornik otdelenija russkogo jazyka i slovesnosti Imperatorskoj Akademii nauk [Collected Works of the Department of the Russian Language of the Imperial Academy of Sciences]. 1881, vol. 23, pp. 341–343. (In Russian).
  10. Kurganov E. Ohtin N. (comps.). Pycckij literaturnyj anekdot konca XVIII — nachala XIX veka [Russian Literary Jokes of the Late 18th — Early 19th Centuries]. Moscow, Belles Lettres Publ. 1990, 270 p. (In Russian).
  11. Filippov D. Ju. The Fire of 1837 in Ryazan: Essays about Everyday Life of the First Half of the 19th Century. Urbi et orbi. Ryazan, Politeh Publ., 2020, pp. 214–264. (In Russian).
  12. Fonvizin D. I. Sobranie sochinenij : v 2 tomah [Collected Works: in 2 vols.]. MakogonenkoP. (comp.). Moscow, State Publishing House of Fiction Publ., 1959, vol. 2, 742 p. (In Russian).
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Rodriguez-Fernandez A. M.

Political Islam in the Social Life of Afghanistan (Late 20th — Early 21st Centuries)  P.  98-104.

UDC 297(581)«19/20»

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.010

Abstract. The period investigated in the article was marred by serious upheavals in the Middle East. The situation in Afghanistan was more tragic and complicated than the situation in adjacent countries. The political commotion, the ensuing civil conflict and American intervention plunged the multinational country into political disarray. At present (since 2002) Afghanistan is a geographical location that can be tentatively called an Islamic Republic. It is characterized by ethnic fragmentation (a feudal anachronism), nominal centralized government headed by a US protégé. The government is not supported by Afghan society, there has been more than a half century of conflict which has claimed lives of many politicians, the government has been ignored by the population for several decades. The new generations of Afghan people grew under the conditions of a never-ending war, which has a gruesome impact on society. The article uses available sources on modern military, political, social, economic, ethnic and confessional situation in Afghanistan. Special attention is given to travel notes written by American and French experts R. Morey and O. Weber, who specialize in economic and humanitarian aid. The travel notes published by western media are an interpretation of official reports, but they discuss real life situations. The article also analyzes statistical reports and UN documents which describe problems and failures of the Afghan government to carry out economic and social modernization plans elaborated by American experts. It should be noted that there are depressingly few sources one can rely on when exploring modern Afghan history and the aforementioned sources meet the requirements of the article.


Keywords: Islamism, dictatorship, economy, crisis, civil conflict, expansion, western democracy.



  1. Makgirk T. Harvesting Opium. Stolichnye novosti [Capital News]. 2004, no. 29, pp. 11. (In Russian).
  2. Ali Sh. T. Beyond Kabul. The Economist. 2003, Oct., 18, pp. 56–57.
  3. Cole D. Biting the Hand that Feeds, The Economist. 2003, Oct., 4, p. 57.
  4. Epstein M., Guilloteau J.-P. Pakistan. Nos Reportes Racontent. L’Express. 2004, Jan., 19, p. 42 (In French).
  5. Moreau R. Reining in the Warlords. Newsweek. 2003, Apr., 28, p. 24.
  6. Musil S. Walking a Fine Line. Newsweek. 2008, June, 9, р. 38.
  7. Thomas A. And there’s Another Country. The Economist. 2010, Sept., 13, p. 56.
  8. Weber O. Afghanistan. Les Etrangers en Ligne de Mire. Le Point. 2003, N 1604, p. 41. (In French).
  9. Wesolowsky B. Where Opium is Half of GDP. The Economist. 2003, Sept., 27, pp. 58–59.


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Bogdashina I. V.

The Image of a Soviet Woman as Depicted by Mass Media in the 1950s–1960s and Engraved in Social Memory (regional aspects)  P. 59-68.

UDC 396:070(47)«195/196»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.005

Abstract. The article investigates the image of a Soviet woman as portrayed by provincial mass media. The article analyzes such underrated sources of reliable information as egodocuments and radio performances, which enables the author to compare the idealized image of a Soviet woman and the real image of a Soviet woman of the 1950s–1960s. Mass media created an ideologically “proper” image of a female worker who was actively involved in family and social life. Despite the fact that many “ordinary” Soviet women did their best to fully realize their potential in at least one sphere of life, they had no means to conform to the ideal image broadcast by the media. Due to the discrepancy between the ideal and realistic images, Soviet women often fell victim to social and political criticism. Gnawed by the fear of censure and the desire to condemn others, women were forced to acquire certain behaviour patterns dictated by mass culture.


Keywords: image of a woman, the Khrushchev thaw, female magazines, radio performances, female memory.



  1. Berezina V. Ju. The Image of Soviet Women as Represented by the Ogonek Magazine during the Khrushchev Thaw. Mediareal’nost’ Rossii: vchera, segodnja, zavtra [Media Reality in Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow]. Martynenko E. V. (ed.). Moscow, People’s Friendship University of Russia Publ., 2019, pp. 52–61. (In Russian).
  2. Glejzer M. Radio i televidenie v Soyuze sovetskih socialisticeskih respublik: Daty i fakty (1917–1963) [Radio and Television in the Soviet Union: Dates and Facts (1917–1963)]. Moscow, 1965, 230 p. (In Russian).
  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Volgogradskoj oblasti (GAVO) [State Archive of the Vologda Region (SAVR)]. F. R-6174, Op. 2 ; F. R-6880, Op. 6. (In Russian).
  4. Dashkova T. Love and Life in Soviet Movies of the 1930s — Early 1950s. Otechestvennaja istorija [Russian History]. 2003, no. 6, pp. 59–67. (In Russian).
  5. Dneprovskaja A. A. The Image of a Soviet Working Woman in the First Post-war Decade (based on female magazines). Vestnik Omskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Omsk University]. 2011, no. 1, pp. 91–98. (In Russian).
  6. Zaharov D. V. Transformacija obraza zhenshhiny v sredstvah massovoj informacii Rossii v 70–90 gody XX veka na primerah zhurnalov: “Rabotnica”, “Krest’janka”, “Kosmopoliten” [The Transformation of the Image of a Woman in Russian Media in the 1970s–1990s at the Example of such Magazines as Rabotnitsa (Female Worker), Krestyanka (Female Peasant), Cosmopolitan. Moscow, 2004, 28 p. (In Russian).
  7. Krest’janka [Female Peasant]. 1943, no. 1, 2, 9 ; 1945, no. 2–3 ; 1946, no. 4 ; 1948, no. 2 ; 1949, no. 12 ; 1953, no. 9, 12 ; 1954, no. 3, 6, 9–12 ; 1957, no. 7 ; 1958, no. 3, 7, 12 ; 1959, no. 1, 3–4, 7 ; 1960, no. 2 ; 1964, no. 1–2, 12 ; 1965, no. 1, 3, 9–10 ; 1966, no. 1, 3, 6, 9 ; 1969, no. 4. (In Russian).
  8. Mishhenko T. A. Female Images in Soviet Movies (based on the Soviet Screen magazine, 1960–1968). Vestnik Brjanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Bryansk State University]. 2012, no. 2–1, pp. 132–136. (In Russian).
  9. Polevye materialy avtora. Volgograd. Aprel’ 2019 g, fevral’ 2020 goda [Questionnaires and Interviews. Volgograd. April 2019. February 2020]. (Interviewees: L. V., born 1936 ; I. V., born 1937 ; N. V., born 1938 ; N. P., born 1941 ; L. V., born 1943 ; G. P., born 1945 ; L. D., born 1948 ; A. I., born 1948 ; T. M., born 1950 ; G. Ju., born 1951 ; T. A., born 1954 ; L. V., born 1956 ; L. M., born 1958 ; S. V., born 1960). (In Russian).
  10. Pushkareva N. L. The Gender System in Soviet Russia and the Fates of Russian Women. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New Literary Observer]. 2012, no. 5 (117), pp. 8–23. (In Russian).
  11. Pushkareva N. L. Concern for Women and Gender History as a Sign of our Time. Tractus aevorum: jevoljucija sociokul’turnyh i politicheskih prostranstv [Tractus aevorum: the Evolution of Sociocultural and Political Environments]. 2014, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 137–139. (In Russian).
  12. Rabotnica [Female Worker]. 1953, no. 2, 11 ; 1954, no. 9–10 ; 1955, no. 1–2, 4–5, 7–8 ; 1957, no. 6 ; 1958, no. 2, 7, 11 ; 1959, no. 4, 6 ; 1960, no. 1, 3 ; 1961, no. 3 ; 1963, no. 3, 9 ; 1964, no. 7, 10 ; 1965, no. 1, 3 ; 1967, no. 1, 6–7. (In Russian).
  13. Smejuha V. V. Women’s Magazines in the Soviet Union in 1945–1991: Types, Problems, Transformation of Images. Zhenshhina v rossijskom obshhestve [Women in Russian Society]. 2012, no. 1 (62), pp. 55–67. (In Russian).
  14. Sovetskaja zhenshhina [Soviet Woman], 1951, no. 1–2 ; 1952, no. 3, 5 ; 1956, no. 1, 3, 10, 12 ; 1957, no. 4–5, 8–9 ; 1958, no. 10, 12 ; 1959, no. 4 ; 1961,no. 2–4, 6, 10 ; 1962, no. 2, 4–5, 8 ; 1964, no. 2. (In Russian).
  15. Hlyzova A. Soviet Women on Soviet Television (the 1950s–1990s). Gender i SMI [Gender and Media]. 2013, no. 6, pp. 70–97. (In Russian).
  16. Jur’eva T. Art as a Means of Creating an Image of a Soviet Woman on the Pages of the Rabotnitsa Magazine (Female Worker). Gender i SMI [Gender and Media]. 2015, no. 7, pp. 45–55. (In Russian).
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Mitrofanov V. V.

New Facts about M. A. Alexandrova,  the First Head of Ryazan Teachers’ Institute for Women ” P. 7-15.

UDC 378.6(092)(470.313)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.001

Abstract. For many generations the Postnikovs served Russia truly and well. Men of the family fought in the battles of the Russo-Japanese War and World War II, while women of the family were prominent educators. M. A. Postnikova (known by her married name M. A. Alexandrova) is the first female head of the first teachers’ institute for women in Ryazan. Her sister Anna Alekseyevna Narkovich headed gymnasiums in the Smolensk Region and in the Ryazan Region. We know about her private life through her correspondence with such prominent scholars as S. F. Platonov and A. E. Presnyakov. Being a devoted student of the former and a close friend of the latter she was often mentioned in A. E. Presnyakov’s letters.

Having worked in St. Petersburg, and having traveled across the country to Khabarovsk and back, M. A. Alexandrova moved to Ryazan where she was appointed head of the teachers’ institute and where she worked for 10 years. She passed away in Ryazan in 1915 at the age of 50. Her last days are known to us due to the letters of her sister Anna Alekseyevna to Nadezhda Nikolayevna Platonova. The letters contain information about other relatives too, which provides more specific data.

Keywords: M. A. Alexandrova, A. A. Narkоvich, N. N. Platonova, Ryazan. Teachers’ institute for women, archival materials, correspondence.


  1. Aleksandr Evgen’evich Presnjakov. Pis’ma i dnevniki, 1889–1927 [Alexander Alexandrovich Presnyakov. Letters and Diaries. 1889–1927]. St. Petersburg, Science Publ., 2005, 867 p. (In Russian).
  2. Bronshtejn M. C. Desjat’ dnej kapitana Postnikova [Ten Days of Captain Postnikov]. Moscow, Impjeto Publ., 2007, 368 p. (Transl. from Esperanto).
  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rjazanskoj oblasti (GARO) [State Archive of the Ryazan Region (SARR)]. F. 621, D. 18. (In Russian).
  4. Grishina N. V. Female Learners, Female Students, Female Admirers. Women in the World of Male-dominated Science (in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries). Mir istorika: istoriograficheskij sbornik [A Historian’s World: Collected works on History]. Bychkov S. P., Sveshnikov A. V., Jakub A. V. (eds.). Omsk, Omsk State University Publ., 2008, iss. 4, 560 p. (In Russian).
  5. Mitrofanov V. V. M. A. Aleksandrova as Head of Teachers’ Institute in Ryazan (1915–1918). Vestnik Juzhno-Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Social’no-gumanitarnye nauki [Bulletin of Southern Urals State University. Social and Humanitarian Research series]. 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 33–39. (In Russian).
  6. Mitrofanov V. V. Major Aspects of M. A. Aleksandrova’s Professional and Academic Activities in her Letters to S. F. Platonov. Sovremennaja zhenshhina [Modern Women]. 2017, no. 1, pp. 86–93. (In Russian).
  7. Mitrofanov V. V. “Solitary Work in Ryazan”: M. A. Aleksandrova’s Letters to S. F. Platonov. Magistra Vitae: jelektronnyj zhurnal po istoricheskim naukam i arheologii [Magistra Vitae: an E-journal of History and Archaeology]. 2018, no. 1, pp. 227–242. (In Russian).
  8. Mitrofanov V. V. “To Sergey Fedorovich from his devoted students”: M. A. Postnikova’s (Alexandrova’s) Letters from Khabarovsk. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin]. 2020, no. 3 (68), pp. 15–27. (In Russian).
  9. Moladikova A. A. Sostojanie i organizacija pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija v Rjazanskoj gubernii vo vtoroj polovine XIX — nachale XX veka [Pedagogical Education in the Ryazan Province in the Second Half of the 19th Century – Early 20th Century]. Ryazan, 2006, 22 p. (In Russian).
  10. Moscow, Execution Lists – Yauza Hospital. Spiski zhertv [Victim Lists]. Available at : https://analizfamilii.ru/familiya/Postnikov (accessed 30.10.2020). (In Russian).
  11. Otdel rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional’noj biblioteki (OR RNB) [Manuscript Department of the Russian National Library (MD RNL]. 585, Op. 1, Ch. 4, D. 5963, L. 1–7 ob., 8. (In Russian).
  12. Pamjatnaja knizhka Smolenskoj gubernii na 1915 god [Memory Book of the Smolensk Region. 1915]. Smolensk, P. A. Silin Publ., 1914, 559 p. (In Russian).
  13. Rjazanskij vestnik [Ryazan Bulletin]. 1915, Oct., 20, no. 240. (In Russian).
  14. Rjazanskaja zhizn’ [Life in Ryazan]. 1915, Oct., 31, no. 303. (In Russian).
  15. Titaev A. Fedor Postnikov v Rossii — Postnikov v Amerike (k 125-letiju so dnja rozhdenija A. Postnikova) [Feodor Postnikov in Russia, Postnikov in America (Commemorating the 125th Birthday Anniversary of F. A. Postnikov)]. Available at : https://historio.ru/postnikov.php (accessed 01.11.2020). (In Russian).
  16. Hisamutdinov A. A. Literary Clubs in St. Francisco. Dialog so vremenem [A Dialogue with Time]. 2017, no. 59, pp. 275–290. (In Russian).
  17. Postnikov F. A. Voennaja jenciklopedija [Military Encyclopedia]. Available at : https:// encyclopedia.mil.ru/encyclopedia… (accessed 01.11.2020). (In Russian).



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Gamaley S. Yu.

The History of Creating and Developing  the National Jewish Theatre named for L. Kaganovich  in the 1930s Р. 27-34.

UDC 792(571.621)(09)«193»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.003

Abstract. In the 1920s Soviet Russia witnessed rapid development of national art which was intricately connected with the national policy promoted by the Soviet government. Soviet Russia as well as the Russian Federation granted all its citizens ample rights and freedoms. The Soviet State enabled allpeoples inhabiting its territories to develop their national art, to create national theatres. The author of the article believes that this experience is worthy and should define the national policy of the 21st century. Driven by this conviction, the author of the article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of the theatre in the Jewish Autonomous Region. The author focuses her attention on the development of the National Jewish Theatre named for L. Kaganovich in the 1930s paying special attention to the theatre staff and their achievements. The article tells about the initial stage of the theatre formation when due to the resettlement policy many Jewish actors were forced to move to the Far East. The author underlines that the actors of the theatre supported all the cultural establishments of the autonomous region by helping organize amateur dramatic societies, giving patronage to the Red Army. The author concludes that the professional development of the National Jewish Theatre of Birobidzhan was a reflection of the Jewish policy of the Soviet government in the 1930s.

Keywords: history of Birobidzhan National Jewish Theatre, Jewish theatre, Jewish Autonomous Region, repertoire, European theatres.


  1. Memoirs Written by an Actor. Vspomnim vseh poimenno… [Let us Remember Each and Every One]. Available at : http://eao.memo27reg.org/smi-o-repressiah/vospominaniazapiskiaktera (accessed 14.04.2021). (In Russian).
  2. Vospominanija ob Je. Kazakeviche [Memoirs about E. Kazakevich]. Moscow, Soviet Writer Publ., 1979, 423 p. (In Russian).
  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Evrejskoj avtonomnoj oblasti (GAEAO) [State Archive of the Jewish Autonomous Region (SAJAR)]. F. 75, 1, D. 168 ; F. 148, Op. 1, D. 1, L. 23 ; D. 1a, L. 16 ; D. 26, L. 14. (In Russian).
  4. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Habarovskogo kraja (GAHK) [State Archive of the Jewish Autonomous Region (SAJAR)]. 137, Op. 4, D. 48, L. 378 ; F. 719, Op. 6, D. 21, L. 50 ; F. 902, Op. 1, D. 14, L. 12 ; Op. 6, D. 21 ; F. 1691, Op. 1, D. 2, L. 403 (In Russian).
  5. Kudish E. Teatral’nyj Birobidzhan [Theatrical Birobidzhan]. Birobidzhan, 1996, 90 p. (In Russian).
  6. Pikalov Ju. V. Pereselencheskaja politika i izmenenija social’no-klassovogo sostava naselenija Dal’nego Vostoka Rossijskoj Sovetskoj Federativnoj Socialisticheskoj Respubliki (nojabr’ 1922 — ijun’ 1941) [The Resettlement Policy and Social and Class Transformations of the Population of the Far East of the Soviet Union (November 1922 — June 1941)]. Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 2003, 211 p. (In Russian).
  7. Platunov N. N. Pereselencheskaja politika Sovetskogo gosudarstva i ee osushhestvlenie v Sojuze Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik (1917–1941) [The Resettlement Policy of the Soviet Union and its Implementation in the Soviet Union (1917–1941)]. Tomsk, Tomsk University Publ., 1976, 310 p. (In Russian).
  8. Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj arhiv literatury i iskusstva (RGALI) [Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RSALA)]. F. 2075, Op. 16, Ed. hr. 30. (In Russian).
  9. Rjanskij F. N. Evrejskaja avtonomnaja oblast’ [The Jewish Autonomous Region]. Birobidzhan, 1992, 65 p. (In Russian).
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Mitrofanov V. V.

New Facts about M. A. Alexandrova,  the First Head of Ryazan Teachers’ Institute for Women ” P. 7-15.

UDC 378.6(092)(470.313)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.001

Abstract. For many generations the Postnikovs served Russia truly and well. Men of the family fought in the battles of the Russo-Japanese War and World War II, while women of the family were prominent educators. M. A. Postnikova (known by her married name M. A. Alexandrova) is the first female head of the first teachers’ institute for women in Ryazan. Her sister Anna Alekseyevna Narkovich headed gymnasiums in the Smolensk Region and in the Ryazan Region. We know about her private life through her correspondence with such prominent scholars as S. F. Platonov and A. E. Presnyakov. Being a devoted student of the former and a close friend of the latter she was often mentioned in A. E. Presnyakov’s letters.

Having worked in St. Petersburg, and having traveled across the country to Khabarovsk and back, M. A. Alexandrova moved to Ryazan where she was appointed head of the teachers’ institute and where she worked for 10 years. She passed away in Ryazan in 1915 at the age of 50. Her last days are known to us due to the letters of her sister Anna Alekseyevna to Nadezhda Nikolayevna Platonova. The letters contain information about other relatives too, which provides more specific data.

Keywords: M. A. Alexandrova, A. A. Narkоvich, N. N. Platonova, Ryazan. Teachers’ institute for women, archival materials, correspondence.


  1. Aleksandr Evgen’evich Presnjakov. Pis’ma i dnevniki, 1889–1927 [Alexander Alexandrovich Presnyakov. Letters and Diaries. 1889–1927]. St. Petersburg, Science Publ., 2005, 867 p. (In Russian).
  2. Bronshtejn M. C. Desjat’ dnej kapitana Postnikova [Ten Days of Captain Postnikov]. Moscow, Impjeto Publ., 2007, 368 p. (Transl. from Esperanto).
  3. Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Rjazanskoj oblasti (GARO) [State Archive of the Ryazan Region (SARR)]. F. 621, D. 18. (In Russian).
  4. Grishina N. V. Female Learners, Female Students, Female Admirers. Women in the World of Male-dominated Science (in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries). Mir istorika: istoriograficheskij sbornik [A Historian’s World: Collected works on History]. Bychkov S. P., Sveshnikov A. V., Jakub A. V. (eds.). Omsk, Omsk State University Publ., 2008, iss. 4, 560 p. (In Russian).
  5. Mitrofanov V. V. M. A. Aleksandrova as Head of Teachers’ Institute in Ryazan (1915–1918). Vestnik Juzhno-Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Social’no-gumanitarnye nauki [Bulletin of Southern Urals State University. Social and Humanitarian Research series]. 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 33–39. (In Russian).
  6. Mitrofanov V. V. Major Aspects of M. A. Aleksandrova’s Professional and Academic Activities in her Letters to S. F. Platonov. Sovremennaja zhenshhina [Modern Women]. 2017, no. 1, pp. 86–93. (In Russian).
  7. Mitrofanov V. V. “Solitary Work in Ryazan”: M. A. Aleksandrova’s Letters to S. F. Platonov. Magistra Vitae: jelektronnyj zhurnal po istoricheskim naukam i arheologii [Magistra Vitae: an E-journal of History and Archaeology]. 2018, no. 1, pp. 227–242. (In Russian).
  8. Mitrofanov V. V. “To Sergey Fedorovich from his devoted students”: M. A. Postnikova’s (Alexandrova’s) Letters from Khabarovsk. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina [Bulletin of Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin]. 2020, no. 3 (68), pp. 15–27. (In Russian).
  9. Moladikova A. A. Sostojanie i organizacija pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija v Rjazanskoj gubernii vo vtoroj polovine XIX — nachale XX veka [Pedagogical Education in the Ryazan Province in the Second Half of the 19th Century – Early 20th Century]. Ryazan, 2006, 22 p. (In Russian).
  10. Moscow, Execution Lists – Yauza Hospital. Spiski zhertv [Victim Lists]. Available at : https://analizfamilii.ru/familiya/Postnikov (accessed 30.10.2020). (In Russian).
  11. Otdel rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional’noj biblioteki (OR RNB) [Manuscript Department of the Russian National Library (MD RNL]. 585, Op. 1, Ch. 4, D. 5963, L. 1–7 ob., 8. (In Russian).
  12. Pamjatnaja knizhka Smolenskoj gubernii na 1915 god [Memory Book of the Smolensk Region. 1915]. Smolensk, P. A. Silin Publ., 1914, 559 p. (In Russian).
  13. Rjazanskij vestnik [Ryazan Bulletin]. 1915, Oct., 20, no. 240. (In Russian).
  14. Rjazanskaja zhizn’ [Life in Ryazan]. 1915, Oct., 31, no. 303. (In Russian).
  15. Titaev A. Fedor Postnikov v Rossii — Postnikov v Amerike (k 125-letiju so dnja rozhdenija A. Postnikova) [Feodor Postnikov in Russia, Postnikov in America (Commemorating the 125th Birthday Anniversary of F. A. Postnikov)]. Available at : https://historio.ru/postnikov.php (accessed 01.11.2020). (In Russian).
  16. Hisamutdinov A. A. Literary Clubs in St. Francisco. Dialog so vremenem [A Dialogue with Time]. 2017, no. 59, pp. 275–290. (In Russian).
  17. Postnikov F. A. Voennaja jenciklopedija [Military Encyclopedia]. Available at : https:// encyclopedia.mil.ru/encyclopedia… (accessed 01.11.2020). (In Russian).



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Chemyakin Ye. Yu.

On Translation of D. Chakrabarty’s  “Provincializing Europe” P. 155-163.

UDC 94(4)(048)

DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.016

Abstract. The article presents translations of the first introductory chapters (“The Idea of Provincializing Europe” “Historicism and the Narration of Modernity”) of Dipesh Chakrabarty’s monograph “Provincializing Europe”. These chapters focus on the notion of historicism and its role in the formation of European political modernity. Chakrabarty criticizes the western approach that imposes Eurocentric modernity on former colonies.

Keywords: postcolonialism, modern, historicism, Dipesh Chakrabarty.




  1. Chakrabarty D. Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference. — Princeton ; New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 2008. — Pр. 3–11, 257–261.



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Bogomolov I. K.

A Novel Attempt at Writing the Women’s History  of the Russian Revolution.  (Reviewing: Cox’s J. The Women’s Revolution: Russia 1905–1917. Chicago, Haymarket Book Publ., 2019, 133 p.) ” P.149-154.

UDC 94(47).083(048)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.015


Abstract. The article analyzes Judi Cox’s monograph which views the Russian revolution through the lens of female perception. The author of the article maintains that Cox’s attempt to write the women’s history of the Russian Revolution can hardly be called successful. The author of the monograph investigates the history of the women’s movement in Russia at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries in a rather superficial way. The author of the monograph relies on a meager number of sources and views the situation from the Bolshevist perspective. As a result many prominent revolutionaries, such as Maria Spiridonova, remain in the shadow of oblivion.  However, the monograph makes one wonder about the necessity of investigating social dramas, such as the Russian revolution, through the prism of male and female perception.


Keywords: A. M. Kollontay, E. D. Stasova, female issue, N. K. Krupskaya, World War I, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Russian Revolution of 1905, feminism.




  1. Velikaja rossijskaja revoljucija, 1917: 100 let izuchenija : materialy Mezhdunarodnoj naucnoj konferencii [The Great Russian Revolution of 1917: a Century of Research: Proceedings of an International Research Conference]. Moscow, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2017, 806 p. (In Russian).
  2. Rossijskaja revoljucija 1917 goda i ee mesto v istorii HH veka [The Russian Revolution of 1917 and its Role in the History of the 20th Century]. Moscow, Whole World Publ., 2018, 352 p. (In Russian).
  3. Cox J. The Women’s Revolution: Russia 1905–1917. Chicago, Haymarket Book Publ., 2019, 133 p.
  4. Pushkareva N. Soviet and Post-Soviet Scholarship of Women’s Participation in Russia’s Socio-Political Life from 1900 to 1917. Revolutionary Russia. 2017, no. 2, pp. 208–227.
  5. Smele J. The “Russian” Civil Wars, 1916–1926: Ten Years That Shook the World. Oxford, Oxford University Press Publ, 2017, 423 p.
  6. Smith S. A. Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928. Oxford, Oxford University Press Publ., 2018, 448 p.
  7. Steinberg M. The Russian Revolution, 1905–1921. Oxford, Oxford University Press Publ., 2017, 400 p.
  8. Turton K. Men, Women and an Integrated History of the Russian Revolutionary Movement. History Compass. 2011, no. 2, pр. 119–133.
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Tyumentseva Ye. M.

The Modern State and the Dynamics of Minor Landforms Found in the Steppes of the Southern-Minusinsk Hollow” P. 139-148.

UDC 551.4:581.526.53(571.5)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.72.3.014

Abstract. The article discusses the results of a multiannual research of the genesis, morphology, modern state and dynamics of minor landforms that can be found in the mountains of Southern Siberia in the Southern-Minusinsk Hollow. The majority of ravine landforms found in the area are bank gullies infesting the steep banks of the Abakan River, the Yenisei River and their tributaries. The density of ravine dismemberment increases in agricultural areas (arable lands and pastures) and in residential areas. The size of ravine landforms varies over a wide range. The length of short gullies does not exceed a few dozen meters. The length of long logs can reach 3–5 kilometres. The depth of incision varies from 1.5–3 metres to 10–20 metres. The distance between the brows of a ravine can reach 40–60 meters. Nowadays, despite a period of higher humidity, prolonged dry periods and high temperatures make ravines peaty. As a result, the areas overgrow with small-leaved elm and steppe landscapes are gradually transformed into parks.

Keywords: development dynamics, logs, nival niches, morphology, ravines, gullies, transformation, evolution.



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